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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 292

In Geekoo, at the intensive care unit (ICU).

Leon and others were sent to the ICU upon they returned to Geekoo. Frankie who was in a wheelchair was pushed into the ICU by his men.

Looking at the miserable situation of Leon, Frankie was quite shocked, never expecting that Leon would be beaten so heavily.

“What’s the matter with you? How do you end up like this?”

Leon couldn’t help weeping; he felt that Frankie was his family at this moment.

“Oh.” Leon, who cried bitterly, spent a long time to calm down, “Frankie, we failed and were beaten so miserably.”

“I can tell, but who gave you the beating? Does Connor do it?” Frankie frowned.

Frankie was so angry after so many failures and frustration, and he can’t wait to rush to H City to avenge himself.

“No, we didn’t see Connor. Everything was fine, but then...”

Thinking of Taylor, Leon was so frightened that he could not even say a word.

“Then what happened?” Frankie asked impatiently.

“Then the Patriarch of Stone Family came, who was there to apologize to the loser Maximilian. Then the loser ordered Master Taylor to get in and the master followed his orders!”

Hmm? Frankie uttered a confused nasal sound, which was only a monosyllabic word, but he uttered with many tones. Just like the many tones he uttered, Frankie thought a lot about what Maximilian had done to Master Taylor.

Maximilian and the Patriarch of Stone Family were the two who lived in a totally different world! How could the loser order Master Taylor to get in? Shouldn’t it be that the master gave the loser a kick?

Frankie came to his sense after a trance for a long time, then he said with a sullen face, “Go on, and tell me the details.”

“Then Master Taylor offered to teach us a lesson, and we were forced to kneel down and kowtow. Then Maximilian asked us to roll out, and we rolled all the way down the stairs. We almost died there.”

As he said, Leon felt more miserable and he couldn’t help crying for a while.

Ignoring Leon, who was crying, Frankie was thinking about the relationship between Maximilian and the Patriarch of Stone Family, his fingers tapping on the armrest of the wheelchair.

Without figuring it out, he took out his cell phone and called Jasper Mills.

“Master Jasper, I have something to consult you.” Frankie’s tone was very respectful.

Hearing the voice of Frankie, Jasper, who was cuddling a beautiful woman, got a sullen face suddenly.

Phillip’s failure made Jasper suffered a great loss. Were it not for the reason that the incorporation of Frankie could expand his influence and strengthen his power of discourse among big shots in the capital of H City, Jasper would like to kill Frankie.

“Don’t beat around the bush like a bitch.” Jasper said with impatience.

“I want to ask some information of the Stone Family. I feel there is something strange about the Family.”

“Stone Family?”


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