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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 294

Early in the morning, a group of stylists with blonde hair and blue eyes entered the presidential suite to dress Eduard, carrying cosmetic cases and all kinds of clothes.

Jennifer stood by and looked at Eduard, “My boy, you must seize the opportunity. I have asked Master Cohen to check out Victoria’s birth time and physiognomy, and he said you two are a perfect match. If you two get married, you’ll have a happy marriage and family, and our family will prosper.”

Eduard nodded with a smile. Having a look at Victoria’s photo, he thought Victoria was a true beauty.

What was more, it was his mother’s wish. Now the family business had not yet been handed over to him, so he would not disobey his mother, or it would have a negative effect on his inheritance of the family business.

“Mom, don’t worry. I’ll seize the opportunity, but Victoria’s husband seems to be a trouble for me.”

Thinking of Maximilian, Eduard was a little upset.

Jennifer snorted and said disdainfully, “He is just an incapable punk. There is no need to care about him. As long as Victoria loves you, you can kick the punk away with just a little cost.”

The stylist with blonde hair and blue eyes made a haircut for Eduard quickly and dressed up him carefully. Then the stylist selected accessories for him.

Soon they finished. Eduard, who had a strong figure, looked more handsome and tough. His facial attractiveness reached the peak.

Jennifer nodded with satisfaction, “You are so handsome and Victoria will definitely be attracted by you. Women in such a small place are green and inexperienced, so as long as we show her our wealth and give her some benefits, she will beg to marry you.”

“It’s not just small places like this.”

Looking at his handsome appearance in the mirror, Eduard continued, “Even women in the first and second largest cities will beg to be with me.”

“That’s good. Be confident. Let’s go to Aunt Laura’s house and invite their family to have a great dinner. As long as you perform well, you will win Victoria’s heart.”

Jennifer was confident in her son, who was handsome and rich. And he was a perfect choice to be a husband, who could definitely make a lot women scream.

They walked out of the hotel when a Rolls-Royce Ghost parked at the door of the hotel.

Although Ghost was just the entry level Rolls-Royce cars, it cost more than 1 million dollars.

"It's better to stay at home. Since it’s so humiliating to take such a low-grade car.” Looking at the Ghost, Eduard complained.

When he was abroad, he would drive the Rolls-Royce Phantom at least. If he went out to have fun, he would drive a Bugatti Veyron, which cost him 5 million dollars.

“That’s it in a small place. Don’t complain too much as we are here, and now you’d better win Victoria’s heart and marry her.” Jennifer repeated.

When they got into the car, Jennifer took out her cell phone and called Laura, informing that they would pay her a visit soon.

Hang up the phone, Laura was refreshed as if she was given an energy shot.

Glancing at Victoria, Marcus and Maximilian who were having a meal, Laura said in a loud voice, “Stop eating. Jennifer and her son will arrive soon. You’d better clear away and go out to welcome them. Maximilian, you just get out and don’t stay at home today.”

Maximilian was stunned for a moment. When he was about to say something, Victoria said, “Mom, Maximilian must be here with me. If you ask him go out, I’ll go out with him.”

“Do you want to piss me off? You know what Jennifer coming with her son for, but how could you ask the punk to stay at home to disgust our guests?” Laura said with anger.


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