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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 295

Maximilian bowed his head and did not speak, as if he had not heard the provocative words of Eduard.

Looking at Eduard, a tough and handsome man, Laura cracked a great smile and was so delighted.

“Jennifer, you have a handsome son. Victoria, come here to greet Eduard.”

Then Laura nudged Victoria and pushed her to Eduard.

Eduard showed a gentleman-like smile on his face, “Lady Victoria is much more beautiful than your photos. My heart beats so fast the moment when I saw you.”

“I have a husband.” Victoria said with a cold face.

Laura wore a sullen face suddenly, wishing she could talk with Eduard on behalf of Victoria.

Eduard looked at Maximilian and said with a contemptuous smile, “I know your husband is a punk, and you won’t need him soon, because you have a better choice now. That’s me.”

Eduard always behaved like a peremptory boss. If Victoria’s parents were not present, he would surely give Victoria a kabedon.

“Eduard is right. Victoria is so innocent that she is hoodwinked by the punk. When Victoria is insightful enough, she would kick the wretch away.” Laura said to relax the atmosphere.

Victoria turned back to Maximilian and held his hand tightly, as if she was worried that Maximilian would disappear in front of her.

Noticing Victoria’s action, Eduard felt a drumming in his temples and felt that he was totally ignored.

There was great anger rising in Eduard’s heart. He realized that he had to get rid of Maximilian, the obstacle first if he wanted to win Victoria’s heart.

“You such a punk should wear a Versace. It’s really a waste of the clothes. The shoes you’re wearing don’t match Versace at all. Besides, your appearance and temperament don’t match the clothes. Do you know what modeling is?”

“You don’t even have an exclusive stylist. Do you think you are dignified when wearing clothes of an international brand? So naive of you! Do you know what accessories a mature man should have? If nothing else, you should at least have a good wristwatch.”

Eduard found fault with Maximilian, then he turned his wrist to reveal his wristwatch.

Showing Maximilian and Victoria deliberately his wristwatch, Eduard held his head up and said, “Do you see my wristwatch? It’s a customized watch of Patek Philippe, which is made of platinum and diamonds with a price of 3 million dollars.”

“Not to mention such a watch, you punk should have a Patek Philippe. If you can’t afford a Patek Philippe watch, you should have a vulgar gold Rolex at least. Do you the wretch have one?”

“I suppose the Versace you are wearing is paid by Miss Victoria’s saving. You such a punk are so unabashed to live in the world. If I were you, I would have bought a piece of Tofu to kill myself.”

Eduard taunted Maximilian without mercy. Laura echoed him and said, “Eduard, you are right. Such a punk should be dead a long time ago.”

However, Maximilian was indifferent. But there was a chill in the corner of his eyes.

“Ahem.” Marcus pretended to cough then he said with smile, “Let’s get inside and sit down to talk about it later.”

Marcus felt that behaving like this on the road was disgraceful. However, as the saying goes, domestic shame should not be made public. He thought they could reprimand Maximilian at random when they were at home.


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