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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 299

Jennifer and Eduard closed door, gasping for breath, and they got a frightened expression.

Looking at the condition of them, Maximilian's eyebrows slightly wrinkled, thinking that this was an emergency, otherwise they would not be like drowned mice.

Laura and Marcus can tell that something was wrong, Laura came forward to hold Jennifer, gently stroking her back, "Jennifer, sit down, what's the matter with you?"

"Something happened. A lot of people rushed in with machetes. We didn't dare to go out at all. We had to run back. We don't know who caused the trouble. I hope we would not be involved."

While explaining, Jennifer was supported to sit down.

Shadow crept onto Eduard’s face. He was shaking violently when he recalled what he had just saw.

"I saw the bodyguards have been hacked. I don’t know if they aim at me, but I don't have any enemies here. Are those killers hired by my international competitors?"

Eduard made up the scene of a competitor hiring the killers. The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was the truth.

After listening to Eduard's words, Jennifer felt her head was going to explode.

"How could this happen? What shall we do? Eduard, please call the relevant departments to protect us." Jennifer said in a state of utter stupefaction.

Laura and Marcus’s face darkened. They regretted following them out today. They didn't expect to encounter such a bad situation.

Victoria looked at Maximilian, who winked at her, comforting that she shouldn’t be nervous, he was here for her.

Soon there was hurried footstep outside the room, followed by a rude voice shouting, "Kick the door open!"

After a few sickening thuds, the door shook violently, and was finally kicked open from the outside.

A group of macho men with machetes rushed into the room, and their eyes ran over Maximilian and others.

"That's right. Here you are. Be good. If you dare to move, I'll dismantle your legs."

The macho man pointed the machete at the people in the room, and then went out to find Frankie.

Ten minutes ago, after Frankie arrived, he arranged his minions to surround the whole Faye Garden, and then directed his men to make a sudden and violent attack.

After a fight with Eduard's bodyguards and security of Faye Garden, Frankie's men burst into Faye Garden and completely controlled the whole restaurant.

Marcus and Laura have been scared silly, and they embraced together tightly, shivering in the corner of the room.

Jennifer and Eduard had been indulged in the horror scenes made up by their imagination. They felt that these gangsters were coming for them and were almost scared to death.

Maximilian gently hugged Victoria and said in a low voice, "Don't be nervous. Everything’s gonna be alright."

Victoria looked at him, nodding gently and said in a low voice, "You should take care of yourself, don't try to be a hero."


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