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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 300

"I’m courting death? This is the funniest joke I’ve ever heard. Do you think I'm looking for death? Don't you see you are surrounded by my men? If you make me unhappy, I'll make all of you even more unhappy. "

Frankie bluntly threatened because all his guys were here. What he said was just like the law, which meant whoever went against him would die.

Eduard and the others' faces turned pale instantly. If they were implicated because of Maximilian’s nonsense, how unjust their death should be!

"Maximilian! You trash, stop talking. You don’t have a say here. Who gives you the courage to talk back to this powerful guy? Do you want me to spit on your face? If you want to die, don't take us with you.” Eduard cried in panic.

Jennifer nodded again and again, “Yes, Eduard is right. You waste should die yourself, but don't take us to die with you. A loser like you should die alone."

"You son of a bitch! Victoria, how many times have I told you to divorce with this waste? You have to listen to me. Look at how this waste is dragging down our family! Get him out of my face! He has nothing to do with our family!" Laura shouted hoarsely. Facing the fear of death, she freaked out.

Marcus was also unsettled. Confronting the horrible scene which he has never experienced, he just wanted to get rid of Maximilian and not be implicated by him.

"Our family has nothing to do with Maximilian, my daughter and him are going to divorce soon. You can do whatever you want to him. Please don't get my family involved. Please don’t. "

Victoria pursed her lips hard. Listening to her parents, she felt chaotic and disappointed.

Frankie laughed complacently. He thought that he had teased Maximilian enough and should get down to the business.

"Hey, waste, do you know why I'm here? What I want is to fish Connor Davies out. If you can call and trick him here, I will let you go. No, I will let all of you go. If you can't, I'll let you know to live is no better than to die.”

Facing Frankie's threat, all the people were trembling. They urged Maximilian to follow Frankie's instruction.

"What's the matter with you trash? Hurry to do what he says, and call that Connor whatever, a son of a bitch, over here!"

Maximilian looked at Frankie and said with a smile, "You want to control H City. You are ambitious. I heard that you went and sought refuge with Jasper Mills in the provincial capital."

Frankie's expression changed slightly. He squinted at Maximilian, put his right hand into his arms and took out a pistol.

His left hand gently stroked the gun back and forth. He said in a cold voice, "How do you know?"

Seeing Frankie taking out his gun, Eduard and others all shrunk up and pressed themselves against the wall, as if they wanted to get into the wall and hid inside.

Victoria was also a little frightened. She hugged Maximilian's waist and stuck herself to him tightly. Only in this way can she feel a sense of security.

Maximilian gently caressed her back, helping her ease the tension.

"Connor Davies told me."

"Very good. It seems that your relationship with Connor is really unusual. You should call him now and let him come here alone. I warn you not to play tricks; otherwise your wife, who is as pretty as a flower, will be torn and banged by my guys."

Frankie loaded the gun, opened the safety catch and pointed the gun at Maximilian.

Victoria trembled for a while, Maximilian said in a low voice, "It's OK, don't be afraid. It's just a call."

Maximilian slowly took out his mobile phone and dialed Connor’s number.

"Turn on the speakerphone, and I want to hear what he says." Frankie said cautiously.


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