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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 339

"Oh my god! Did I just see God? How come there is someone amazing like this? He is better than Ironman, Superman or Batman. I think I’ve found my idol." The head of body guards gushed.

"What happened? What’s going on?" Huddling on the floor, Kroopf asked in a trembling voice.

"Mr. Lee is amazing! Had I known it earlier, I wouldn’t have been so worried. We are safe now, Mr. Kroopf. The danger has passed." The head of body guards said with excitement.

Victoria stood bolt up. When the gunshots had rung out just now, she had covered her face, bathed in tears.

Now that she heard Maximilian was safe, Victoria wiped her tears away in a flurry, trotted towards the door and looked at Maximilian.

Seeing that Maximilian was standing there perfectly and blowing the gun, Victoria calmed down in an instant. She covered her mouth with both hands, tears gushing more furiously.

Shivering, Kroopf got up off the floor and muttered, "My God, you must have heard my call for help. Now I don’t need to worry anymore."

The body guards crowded around Kroopf and Victoria as they walked out. Squatting on the floor, those celebrities were still staring at Maximilian, totally horrified by the gunshots just now.

Those rich youngsters, who had come back with Mylo, looked at Maximilian as if he was a demon. Someone called "Run!" first, and the dozen rich youngsters fled together.

Maximilian glanced at their backs but didn’t chase after them, because he saw Victoria crying.

Dropping off the guns, Maximilian strode to Victoria, spreading out his arms for her. Victoria rushed towards Maximilian and threw herself into his arms.

Holding Maximilian tightly and feeling his warmth, Victoria was beaming with happiness. Only a survivor of a disaster could experience that kind of joy, which made Victoria treasure her relationship with Maximilian even more.

"I was so scared just now. You are not allowed to risk your life like this again. Do you hear me? Answer me."

Victoria sobbed. Her tears had made Maximilian’s suit wet.

Maximilian patted Victoria gently on her back and coaxed, "I won’t do it again. I had no choice just now."

"Even if you have no choice, you can’t do that again. If something happens to you, what shall I do? You can’t have an accident. Do you hear me?" Victoria said seriously.

"I heard you. I will definitely follow your instructions." When Maximilian and Victoria were enjoying their sweet moment, the body guards already started to evacuate the celebrities.

At this moment, no one dared to stay a little longer here. Everyone fled the banquet hall in a panic.

"Gosh! I will remember this day for the rest of my life. If Maximilian hadn’t turned the tide, all of us would have dead."

"What’s the background of this Maximilian in H City who came out of nowhere? Why is he so powerful? He is better than those heroes in the movies."

"Hurry up and go! We’d better keep our mouth shut about what happened today. Who knows what will happen next? Mylo died here."

When it came to the death of Mylo, the celebrities’ heart sank. They shut up their mouths immediately and kept on walking. Those who had wanted to make friends with Maximilian gave up the idea too.

The young master of the White family had died a violent death on the spot. Such incident wouldn’t be passed over easily, and something bigger must be on the way.

The celebrities had scattered. Maximilian also said goodbye to Kroopf and left with Victoria.

Kroopf gave a bitter smile. "I’m sorry for what happened today. It didn’t occur to me that so many things would happen. I’ll have my people send you back."

"Thank you then." Maximilian said in a flat tone.

Kroopf had two body guards send Maximilian and Victoria back. Then he looked at the bodies all over the floor, not knowing how to deal with them.


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