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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 340

Maximilian and Victoria got back home. When Laura saw Victoria’s red eyes, she flew into a fury at once.

"Victoria, why are your eyes so red? Did that loser bully you?"

Laura glared at Maximilian, believing that it must be he who had bullied her own daughter.

"Mom, no. It had nothing to do with Maximilian. I’ve got sand in my eyes." Victoria explained.

"Nonsense. How come you’ve got sand in both your eyes? This loser must have bullied you. Tell me honestly, what happened? I’ll teach this loser a lesson for you!" Laura rebuked.

Maximilian gave a wry smile helplessly and said in a low voice, "I didn’t take good care of Victoria. She was scared."

"You bastard. What happened to Victoria?"

Laura was so angry that she grabbed the besom, as if she would beat Maximilian up if she felt dissatisfied with his answer.

Victoria stopped Laura immediately and said to Maximilian hurriedly, "Go back to the room. Let me talk to my mom."

Head down, Maximilian went back to the room. Laura threw the besom to the ground. "Look at his stupid face! He looks nothing like a real man. He is pissing me off."

Victoria got dazed for a moment. The image of Maximilian standing in the center of the banquet hall, surrounded by the gangsters’ bodies sprang to her mind. If Maximilian was no real man, probably no man in this world was.

Victoria thought to herself and didn’t say a word about what had just happened. Even if she did, Laura wouldn’t believe her.

Victoria made up an excuse to stall off Laura, left the living room and went back to the bedroom. Closing the door gently, Victoria leaned against it and gazed at Maximilian.

Maximilian smiled and asked curiously, "What are you looking at? I don’t have flowers on my face."

"You… were you afraid when you went out?" Victoria asked.

"Sure. How could I not be afraid? I was too afraid to walk." Maximilian answered casually.

"Liar. Don’t do that again." Victoria said in a sweet voice.

Smiling, Maximilian stood up, walked up to Victoria, and took her into his arms gently. Victoria put her arms around Maximilian’s waist, resting her pretty face on his shoulder. Both of them said nothing, enjoying the tenderness at this moment silently.

The phone rang and ruined the tranquil atmosphere in the room. Maximilian pecked Victoria on her lips and let go of her, who was a little shy.

Victoria picked up her bag and dug out her phone. Watching the caller ID on the screen, she frowned slightly.

The caller was Victoria’s high school classmate Hana May. They hadn’t contacted each other for a long time, so Victoria was a little confused by this sudden call from her.

She hesitated and answered the phone, "Hello, Hana."

"Victoria, let me tell you some great news. The school hunk of our senior high school department Kacper was back two days ago. He wants to hold a reunion party for all the classmates and asked me to tell you about it." Hana May said with excitement.

Victoria got into a trance for an instant. Memories of her senior high school came flooding back. At that time, her classmates had always paired her with Kacper, but the two of them had never been in a relationship. Kacper had a crush on her at that time.

Then, Kacper’s parents sent him to study abroad. It was said that he had acquired a postdoctoral degree in Harvard University, and served as a teacher there after graduation.

Before Kacper, Harvard University seldom retained the graduates to work there after graduation, in order to avoid academic favoritism. However, Kacper had broken the tradition.

"Hello? Victoria, are you listening?"


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