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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 353

"Master Leighton, there is something wrong with Master Nicolas." the butler ran to Leighton hurriedly in panic.

"What happened? Did they fail? Tell him that if they fail, they won't get any money." Leighton said with disgust.

"Master Nicolas is dead, and his entire team is over." The butler's expression was a little miserable.

Leighton completely froze, as he had witnessed Nicolas's skill with his own eyes. There was no doubt that Nicolas was a martial art expert.

Nicolas also brought so many disciples with him, how could they all die?

The butler hesitated and said in a low voice, "Maybe Maximilian is not an ordinary man, why don't we stop for a while?"

"Stop? This is for my son's revenge! I have to take revenge. I have to kill Maximilian even if I would lose everything I have!" Leighton almost went crazy.

The pain of losing his son at an old age, and the hatred of losing his only successor drove Leighton crazy.

"Ask the young master of the Brooks Family to come. He knows a lot of people, right? I want to find a killer, a mercenary, or anyone who can kill Maximilian at a reward of 100 million dollars! For Maximilian's life!"

The butler sighed in a low voice and took out his cell phone to contact Aston Brooks, the young master of the Brooks Family.

The Brooks Family was one of the most powerful families in the provincial capital. Unlike other families at the same level, the Brooks Family made their fortune from interpersonal connections instead of real industries.

The Brooks Family was connected to all industries, all circles, and all walks of life.

With the help of these connections, the Brooks Family grew stronger and stronger. People of the Brooks Family bought stocks of some companies and helped these companies handle their troubles in the light or in the darkness.

As the young master of the Brooks Family, Aston was an outstanding man among the younger generation of the Brooks Family.

He was involved in all circles. From bigwigs to street vendors, he had friends everywhere.

The butler contacted Aston and told him about the current situation. Aston said he would come to meet Leighton personally.

Aston arrived at the villa of the White Family not long after, and then the butler led him to Leighton.

"Mr. Leighton, the young master of the Brooks Family has come to see you."

Leighton resumed himself from his sorrow and looked at Aston in a trance.

"Aston, why are you here? I called to ask for your help in contacting the people I need. There is no need for you to come in person."

"Uncle, how could I not come? Your son is my friend. Anyway, we are talking about revenging him and another of my friend also died in Maximilian's hands. As their friends, I must revenge them this time." Aston said with his shining eyes.

He really hated Maximilian. Maximilian suddenly appeared in H City and he was stronger and fiercer. Aston would very much like to make Maximilian his own man.

Leighton sighed and said with a bitter smile, "Thank you for your concern, I don't have as many connections as you do, so I don't know any killers or mercenaries. All I can offer is money, and I really need your help."

"Don't worry, Uncle. It is just a piece of cake for me. I will post the recruitment in the circle of killers and mercenaries, and there will surely be endless killers and mercenaries to deal with Maximilian until he dies."

Leighton nodded. He was finally in a better mood since he saw hope in Aston’s eyes.


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