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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 354

Early in the morning, Maximilian and Victoria went to the company together. Victoria had many things to coordinate and deal with for the construction of a new factory. Maximilian felt sorry for Victoria and did not want Victoria to work too hard, so he volunteered to help her.

When the two of them left, Addison put down his seat in the car and lay down to prevent Maximilian from finding anything strange.

Although the information obtained showed that there was nothing special about Maximilian, it was quite unusual for someone to pay 20 million dollars for Maximilian's life.

If it was someone ordinary, 20 million dollars was enough to buy ten or twenty lives. Addison guessed that the one who paid the money must have already tried to deal with Maximilian before. But those who were sent before must suffer great losses, so the amount of reward for the task rose up.

When Maximilian and Victoria disappeared, Addison slowly sat up. He picked the phone on the bridge and pressed the button to stop the recording. Then he began to check the video recorded just now.

Addison clicked his tongue and looked at the video carefully.

"From the way he walks, he doesn't seem to be a man who practices martial art. The way he swings his arms is also casual. He really seems to be someone ordinary, did I think too much?" Addison shook his head and smiled bitterly.

He picked up the baseball cap and put it on his head. Then he picked up the tactical backpack from the passenger seat.

"I still have to be careful. I don't want any accidents to happen in my last mission. I should be more careful to avoid any major mistakes." Addison got off from the car and got his bag prepared. Then he looked around and walked into the building at a light pace.

When he reached the door of Maximilian's house, he confirmed the door number and then knocked on the door after confirming it was correct.

"Who is it?" Laura's voice came out through the door.

"Gas company. We come to check gas pipe." Addison said casually.

"It's early in the morning, why do you come for the gas pipe at this time?" Laura complained. Then she walked to the door and opened it.

Laura looked at Addison and found that he seemed to be normal and not vicious at all, so she took two steps back and let him in. Addison walked into the room.

When Laura was closing the door, he used his thumb to press heavily on Laura's internal carotid sinus. With his internal carotid sinus blocked, Laura instantly fainted due to cerebral blood supply deficiency.

Addison carried Laura and placed her gently on the floor. Then he walked into the room in light steps.

Without hearing anything from outside for a long time, Marcus said in the kitchen, "Who's here? How come you fall silent after opening the door?"

Addison narrowed his eyes as he scurried to the kitchen like a spirit cat. Then he pressed his body pressed against the wall on the side of the kitchen.

"Laura?" Seeing that there was no reply outside, Marcus stopped washing the dishes and walked out of the kitchen.

As soon as Marcus went out of the kitchen, Addison swiftly moved his fingers to press heavily on Marcus's neck. Just as what he did to Laura, he instantly knocked Marcus unconscious as well. Addison smiled smugly and dragged the unconscious Marcus to the living room.

Addison dragged out two chairs and placed them side by side. Then he tied both Marcus and Laura to the chairs and got a rag to shut them up.

"It's time for a picture to mark this moment. It seems to be my lucky day. Everything goes smoothly from the beginning. Hope my luck continues."

Addison took a photo of Marcus and Laura being tied up. Then he thought for a moment and sent the phone to Victoria in a virtual number.

At this moment, Victoria was collecting the equipment materials required for the construction and was ready to assign tasks to her subordinates. When she heard her phone ringing, Victoria frowned slightly.

After she finished the assignment, she went to check her phone.

"A MMS? Is there still people who use such kind of things these days?" Victoria muttered, clicked on the MMS, and read it.


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