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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 480

Maximilian stared speechlessly at the agitated Iris. After a while, he looked at Victoria for help.

Victoria rolled her eyeballs and knocked the desk.

"I have work to do. If you don’t have any problem, please leave. Canaan, take Flora out for a walk."

Since Victoria had given orders, neither Iris nor Flora dared to talk back. The two of them exchanged fierce glances and left Victoria’s office.

Maximilian let out a sigh and said worriedly, "What’s all this about? Have I become the hot stuff? I didn’t think I was charming before."

"Stop flattering yourself. Why do I feel that Iris’ attitude towards you has changed a lot? Is it because she was stimulated by what happened at that banquet in the chateau last time?"

Victoria could also feel that something was wrong with Iris. Her attitude towards Maximilian was nothing but a U-turn.

"How would I know? Both Iris and Flora annoy me. We agreed to go villa hunting, but are delayed by them."

Maximilian was unhappy about it. Villa hunting was something big. Once they got a bigger house, they could bring Sissi back to live with them. Otherwise, there would not be enough room for the three generations to live together.

"Villa hunting? Even if we go villa hunting, we cannot afford it. I think we’d better not aim that high."

"Don’t worry about money. I’m sure I’ll be able to get enough money."

Victoria puckered her lips and said, thinking, "Then let’s go. I don’t have anything to do at this moment anyway."

"Let’s go."

Maximilian finished tidying up the desk for Victoria rapidly and the two walked out of the office, hand in hand.

After walking out of the office building, they happened to see Flora standing by Canaan’s Mercedes, kicking the tyre repeatedly.

Canaan, who was next to her smiling and telling jokes, was trying his best to please Flora.

"Well, Maximilian and Victoria are here."

Seeing that Maximilian and Victoria were approaching, Canaan whispered to Flora.

Flora raised her head, looked at Maximilian and Victoria and smiled brightly, as if the displeasure just now vanished instantly.

"Victoria, Maximilian, where are you going?" Flora asked sweetly.

"I am looking for Canaan. We are going to Emerald Garden to see the villas, and we need Canaan to lead the way." Victoria said politely.

"Victoria, why are you so polite to me? I’m embarrassed. As long as Maximilian could teach me some superb driving skills, it would be enough for me."

"Well, alright. Let’s do it tonight." Maximilian said, smiling.

Canaan jumped with excitement, feeling that happiness came too soon. But after that, Canaan became a little regretful. "My Bugatti was ruined. Otherwise, I could have asked you to teach me in that car. That must feel amazing. What a pity."

"Well, you don’t need a fine car like that to learn driving skills. If you can drive a tractor better than a sports car, then you will be the modern master driver." Maximilian joked.

Canaan was dumbfounded. He took Maximilian’s words seriously. The scene of him overtaking a sports car with his tractor sprang to mind. What a beautiful scene!


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