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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 481

Wagner took out a cigarette and put it to his mouth. He wanted to have a cigarette to calm down.

Canaan’s request caught Wagner off guard. ‘It’s no problem to show them around the house, but what should I do if they really take a fancy to the house?’

‘It’s not a matter of cost price. If Hamid takes this villa, I may not receive a cent.’

Wagner felt a headache when he thought of Hamid. He was the devil of the Kadir family. He idled all day and made friends with bandits.

Hamid’s father was so angry that he suffered from cerebral infarction, which had something to do with him. And all the people in the Kadir family ignored him. If he didn’t make trouble for the family, they wouldn’t care what he did.

‘If I really give the villa to Canaan’s friends, Hamid may bring someone to chop me up.’ Wagner thought.

When a cigarette was finished, Wagner crushed the cigarette end in the ashtray. He thought he should inform Hamid. As for the quarrel between Hamid and Canaan, it was a matter between them and had nothing to do with him.

Holding the mobile phone to call Hamid, Wagner flattered and said, “Mr. Kadir, I have something to report to you.”

Hamid, who was eating with his friends and boasting, with an unknown female star around his arms and said, “What’s the matter? Say it quickly.”

“Canaan said that he would take his friends to see the villa on the top of the mountain. I told him that you had chosen the villa, but Canaan insisted on taking his friends to see the house.”

“Shit! He dares not to take me seriously. Even his father dares not mind my business!”

Hamid was furious at this moment. He planned to give the villa to a master. How could he let Canaan’s friends buy it?

Hamid, who was a bit tired of being dissolute these years, was now ready to start his own ‘great career’. He made friends with some bigwigs through various ways.

Not long ago, he met an overseas master through a friend. After seeing the amazing Kung Fu displayed by the master, Hamid had an idea.

He wanted to learn Kung Fu with this master and get to know a group of powerful senior fellow apprentices to support each other and get rich together. A successful life really seemed too simple.

Knowing that the master wanted to return to his ancestral home of H city to settle down, Hamid thought of the villa in Emerald Garden and was ready to give it to the master as a gift.

Those who were eating with Hamid were all the apprentices of the overseas master. They came back to deal with all kinds of things for the master.

Now, Hamid was warmly entertaining these future senior fellow apprentices. To please them, he paid a lot of money to invite some online celebrities, young models and unknown stars to accompany them.

“What’s the matter with you? If you are in trouble, just tell us, we can help you solve it.”

“Yes, we will certainly support you for your hospitality. If someone dares to offend you, he will end up dead.” They said fiercely, each of them showed cruelty.

Hamid said with a smile, “It’s a family affair. My brother’s son takes his friends to see the house. What they want to see is the one I’m going to give to our master. This child is too much. I’ll deal with him later.”


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