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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 499

"Damn! I knew it would be like this!" Colletti said in annoyance.

Bruce's weirdly deformed arm had signaled his defeat. Colletti felt that there was no need to watch the match between Maximilian and Bruce anymore.

With one arm missing, Bruce was over and was no match for Maximilian at all.

Thompson turned off the screen and leaned back in his chair while scratching his head hard.

"What a difficult task! I think we may never get back. Damn Maximilian! I want to go back and enjoy my life!"

"My lord, there is still a match tomorrow, maybe we can think of another way. Dragon Queen from the Dragon Sect is in the room, maybe we can ask her for help and get a little strengthening potion."

Colletti felt that they could only succeed after getting the strengthening potion from Dragon Sect.

Thompson frowned, as he didn't think Dragon Queen would be willing to give him the potion. But it was the only way they could take at the moment and there was nothing more for them to lose.

"Well, then go and talk to Dragon Queen. Let's hope she is generous." Thompson said in a depressed tone.

Colletti shrugged his shoulders, stood up, and left the office.

In the battle, Bruce looked up at the strong lights overhead and his family came to his mind.

The only way to save his family at this moment was to die in the battle.

"Bastard, only one of us can leave the battlefield alive today! You just go die!"

As Bruce couldn't feel the pain at all, he ran with his broken right arm and hit Maximilian with his left arm.

Only one of them could survive today, and there were cases when the one at the disadvantage finally won. Bruce hoped he was lucky and could win at last.

Maximilian shook his head and said disdainfully, "I gave you the chance but you refused me. Fine, don't blame me."

As Bruce rushed to him, Maximilian kicked Bruce in the chest.

The kick fell on Bruce's body with huge force and he flew away like a cannonball. In the air, Bruce felt all his organs hurt and blood came out of his mouth.

Bruce could feel death coming to him. He seemed to see himself being surrounded by colorful lights and angels flying around him, as if God had come to pick him up.

Poof! Bruce fell heavily on the ground. After vomiting blood one more time, the lights in his eyes totally disappeared.

All the audience fell into silence and looked at Maximilian in disbelief.

Maximilian was the one being mocked just now, right? Bruce was the famous one, right? They just couldn't figure out why Maximilian became so powerful suddenly and killed Bruce with only one punch and one kick.

Again, Maximilian looked at the audience and made a gesture of shutting up at them. This was his response to the mockery the audience gave him just now.

Maximilian then turned around, walked to the exit, and left.

Dragon Queen viciously smashed the water glass in her hand, "What a surprising ending! It seems that the famous International Underground Boxing Match is nothing, with no real masters at all."

"Yes, you're right. Just a lousy match organized by an incompetent team! Damn underground boxing match. The so-called masters from it are only losers with no force at all." Harley echoed.

"Let's go back, I hope tomorrow's grand finals will be more exciting."

Dragon Queen's expression returned to be calm, but there were still endless thoughts in her mind.

The power Maximilian displayed once again exceeded Dragon Queen's expectations. She felt that she must figure out a way to stop him. If she couldn't get him under control, the results might be a disaster for her.

Harley hurriedly reached up to help Dragon Queen up.

Just at this time, the door to the private box was knocked.


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