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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 500

"Where have you two been? Why aren't you in the car?" Maximilian said in a bit stern tone.

"What? Maximilian, you've finished? We'll be right there. We are having coffee in the cafe next door."

Flora spat out her tongue and quickly hung up the phone. Then she and Canaan quickly ran out of the Stadium.

Just now, they were also in the Stadium, watching Maximilian's match.

They bet on Maximilian’s victory. With high odds of one to ten, they made quite a fortune. They had to cash the bet so they left a little late.

"Hurry up, Maximilian is waiting for us outside." Flora said while running quickly outside.

Canaan followed Flora and together they ran as fast as they could.

When the two ran back to the Mercedes, they were already exhausted, and bent down to catch up for breath,

"You guys went for coffee just now? I never knew that there is a café in the Boxing Stadium." Maximilian said with a grim face.

"Maximilian, just ignore these details. We are just too curious to see how heroic you are when you win, right, Canaan?"

Canaan nodded desperately, "Yes, yes, we just want to witness your win. Master, that kick just now was really beautiful."

"It's lucky that you didn't have an accident. All kinds of people would go to watch underground boxing matches. If you had an accident, nobody could save you."

Maximilian was really worried about the two of them just now. After all, people who went to watch Underground Boxing Matches were no way to be kind ones. With Flora's beauty, there was a possibility some men had a crush on her and wanted to rape her. At that time, Canaan couldn't protect her at all.

Flora lowered her head and said with grievance," Okay, I know. I will listen to you. Just now, Canaan asked me not to go but I insisted on going."

Canaan said in a panic, "Master, don't blame Flora. It's my fault."

"No more excuse. You two are both to be blamed. Just reflect on yourselves. If you don't listen to my words in the future, you are not allowed to go anywhere."

"I know. I will definitely listen to you in the future."

Flora pulled Maximilian's sleeve and shook it gently, which made her quite lovable.

Maximilian sighed and gestured for Canaan to drive back home. Canaan opened the car door and the three of them got into the car together.

The Mercedes-Benz started up and slowly drove away. Two men came out from inside the fence door of the stadium and watched the Mercedes-Benz drive away.

"My lord, the man who followed Maximilian just now bet ten million dollars on Maximilian to win and ended up winning one hundred million dollars." Colletti whispered.

"Maybe we should begin with the people around him. You go and collect more information about them, and we will try all means." Thompson said somewhat glumly.

"Yes. I'm going to collect information on Maximilian's family and friends."

Harley sent Dragon Queen to bed. He wanted to follow to serve her but was kicked off by Dragon Queen, as she was in a bad mood.

Harley knew Maximilian was the reason for Dragon Queen’s unhappiness.

"I don't need you tonight, I want to be alone." Dragon Queen said icily.


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