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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 536

"Canaan and I are going to co-own a racing club. If you're interested, we can also bring you in." Maximilian decided to give Hamid a chance. If Hamid could change himself, Maximilian was willing to take him in. After all, Maximilian needed more people to work for him.

Not to mention when he took over the Dragon Sect in the future, even now, Maximilian needed trustworthy ones to help him.

Hamid did not hesitate. He immediately nodded and said, "I'm interested, definitely! Leave all the hard work to me. You and Canaan just give orders, and I will follow!"

"Okay, good to hear that. You can talk to Canaan about the details. If there is nothing else, you can go back first."

"Okay, I'll go back now. I've been out for a long time. I don't want to be suspected by them, so I will go back now. If I have something, I will contact you through Canaan."

Maximilian nodded slightly. Then Hamid opened the car door and returned to his own car. After that, he drove all the way back quickly.

Canaan asked with some confusion, "Master, why do you get my uncle involved in our project?"

"For your sake, I will give him a chance." Maximilian said with a smile.

Canaan didn't think he was so important and Maximilian cared about him so much. Canaan didn't even know how to repay Maximilian.

"Thank you for what you have done for my uncle, Master. In the future, my family and I will never forget your kindness."

Maximilian waved his hand and said casually, "It's just a piece of cake for me."

After that, Maximilian took out his cell phone and sent a message to Victoria to ask whether they had arrived at Lingshan temple and how she was doing there.

He was worried about Victoria, but he couldn't go in to check on her by himself.

Soon Maximilian received a voice message back from Victoria.

"We had arrived. We just finished worshipping the Goddess of Mercy. Later, we will listen to the Master chanting prayers. You just stay at home at ease and wait for us to go back."

Maximilian did not hear anything unusual from Victoria's voice, so he was much relieved.

"I saw that there was a sideway leading to an orchard."

"Okay, Master, why don't we go directly in? Your wife doesn't allow you to go in?"

Maximilian's face twitched as he said calmly, "Victoria is fooled by the damn monk. When I'm free, I will go teach those monks a lesson."

Canaan laughed and drove toward the orchard.

Lingshan temple, in the abbot's room.

Dressed in a robe, Master Fazhi was standing in front of Dragon Queen with a smile on his face.

Dragon Queen sat on the chair and said calmly, "Abbot, please sit down. You don't have to be so polite to me. This is your temple."

"AMITABHA! You seem to be a noble lady and I don't deserve to sit with you. And Lingshan temple is not mine. It belongs to Buddha."


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