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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 537

Master Fazhi trembled and found that Harley's voice seemed to come from hell.

He looked at Dragon Queen and said, "I'm willing to pray for you with all the monks in the Lingshan temple. We will pray for your safety and good luck."

This was the best excuse Master Fazhi could think of. If he wanted to keep fooling Dragon Queen around, at least he should know something about Dragon Queen, or he could get something useful from their previous chat.

But Dragon Queen took the initiative to mess up his plan, so Master Fazhi couldn't use his skills at all.

Disappointment appeared on Dragon Queen's face. She thought this monk might be capable enough to help her solve the problem. But now it seemed that the monk was just a master of deception. The only thing he could do was to fool around.

"Does your prayer really work? I want to hear the truth." Dragon Queen said coldly.

Cold sweat appeared on Master Fazhi's forehead as he said with fear and anxiety, "It depends on whether the Buddha is happy or not. Buddha will not bless some people if they never make any donation. And some people don't get any blessings even if they pay respects to Buddha all their lives."

"Then which situation am I in?" Dragon Queen asked

Master Fazhi felt his head was about to explode as he kneeled to Dragon Queen, "I think you are the reincarnation of the Bodhisattva. You will be always lucky and all your wishes will come true."

Now Master Fazhi ran out of his tricks. He didn't know how to talk to her. If he continued, more trouble might come, so it would better for him to admit his incompetency.

Harley twitched his lips and thought that Master Fazhi was displaying his skills in front of an expert. Using such tricks in front of Dragon Queen definitely couldn't work.

Dragon Queen sighed softly. Then she looked at Harley and said, "Is the girl from the Griffith family coming?"

"It is said that they just entered the Great Hall."

"Tell her to come and let the abbot give her some guidance. I will sit behind the screen to hear your conversation."

"Yes." Harley respectfully replied and gave orders to his men.

Dragon Queen looked at Master Fazhi who was kneeling on the ground and said, "There will be a girl coming over later, you should fool her properly. If you can let her listen to your words, I will ignore everything happened just now."

This was an idle move made by Dragon Queen. If Master Fazhi could fool Victoria, then he might be of some use in the future. At worst, she could know what Victoria was thinking through conversation with Master Fazhi.

If Master Fazhi was really good and could control Victoria's mind, that would be the best.

Master Fazhi finally breathed a sigh of relief. He still had some confidence in dealing with a girl. It must be an easier job than dealing with Dragon Queen.

"Please don't worry, I will try my best."

Dragon Queen chuckled. Then she got up and walked behind the screen to take a seat.

Harley followed to stand behind the screen. He whispered, "Done, Victoria will be here soon."

Dragon Queen leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. At the same time, Harley stretched out his hands and gently massaged Dragon Queen's temples.



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