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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 573

Andrew's cheek twitched. Marcus wanted to hold a housewarming banquet, and it was just like hitting him in the face.

"If you want to, then just do it. Why do you call me? I don't have time to go to your housewarming banquet. Go away!" After Andrew roared, he threw the phone out fiercely.


The phone hit the wall and then fell to the ground. The screen immediately crumbled into cobwebs.

"It is really outrageous!" Andrew sat down in anger and pounded his hands hard on the table, as if the table was Marcus’ face. Only when his hands were numb from the pain did Andrew stop the pounding.

"How could this happen? Why is Marcus? Why?" Andrew felt he should live in the hilltop villa. It was a joke to let Marcus live in the hilltop villa.

Looking at the several cancelled orders on the table, Andrew became angrier.

Andrew was panicked because of the poor business in the company. Thinking of the phone call from Marcus just now, Andrew wanted to kill someone.


The door of the office was opened.

And after Darian agreed with someone on his phone, he hung up immediately, "Andrew, who are you angry with? I just got a call from Marcus, and he said he was going to have a housewarming party. It is held at that legendary hilltop..."

"Shut up!"

Before Darian could finish his words, Andrew angrily interrupted him.

"Andrew, you shouldn't be angry with Marcus, should you?" Darian said with a smile.

"If you want to befriend him, go ahead and do it! Don't think I don't know what little scheme you're playing! You just want to follow Victoria to make a living!"

Andrew stared at Darian angrily.

Darian used to be his hardcore ally, but it seemed Darian wanted to betray him now.

Darian gently shook his head, sat across from Andrew with a sigh, "Andrew, Victoria is stronger than us now. Now we have to keep our heads low."

"Humph! If you want to befriend his family, just go. You don't need to fool me here."

"I'm not fooling you. I've discussed with our father, and we want to solve the problem with a different approach. First, we should improve the relationship with them, gain their trust, and then swindle a sum of money out of their hands." Darian shared with Andrew what he had discussed with Samuel and wanted Andrew to join them.

Andrew narrowed his eyes, staring at Darian.

After pondering for a while, he said, "Then what do you want me to do? Do you want me to kneel down to their family with you guys?"

"Andrew, what you said is so awful. What do you mean kneeling? I know you will definitely not be friendly to Marcus and his family, so it is necessary for you to do as before. You can do whatever you want to do with their family."

"Isn’t their family holding a housewarming banquet? Andrew, you have to go. When the guests are there, you just make a big trouble there. Father and I will stand by Marcus’s side to deal with you together. . "


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