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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 574

"Okay, I know. You can always contact me if you have similar information.” Hackett hung up the phone directly after he finished speaking.

His eyes flickered slightly, and he was calculating the feasibility in his mind.

If he wanted to do something at the housewarming banquet, it was feasible. But if he wanted to do it, he had to do secretly, and didn't let Andrew know his plan.

So without giving Andrew a clear answer, Hackett hung up the phone just now. Then, Hackett looked through the car window, staring at the Mercedes-Benz not far away.

The Mercedes's owner was Casper.

After following Maximilian silently for a long time, Hackett knew the conflict between Maximilian and Casper. And he even knew that the monk beside Casper was beaten up by Maximilian and was sent to the hospital.

Thinking about the three monks entering the apartment building where Maximilian lived just now, Hackett smiled slightly.

"It seems I have a few allies. If Casper can force these monks' master to take action, we may defeat Maximilian in the housewarming banquet." Hackett was wondering how he could cooperate with Casper and the Buddhist master.

While Hackett was pondering, Zach and the other two crawled out of the building.

Zach suffered internal injuries, and the knees of his juniors were broken. They had no other way out except crawling.

When the three crawled out of the building door, Casper's eyes flashed immediately.

However, upon seeing that Zach's two juniors were not seriously injured, Casper's eyes dimmed again,

"You guys go up and help them. The medicine is ready. Give them an injection directly and let them die."

"Yes." The bodyguards at the side took out the injections from the medical box that had been prepared long ago. After drawing out the medicine quickly, they walked to Zach and the other two together.

When Zach and the other two saw Casper's bodyguards approaching, their faces showed a relaxed smile at the same time.

"You guys are here. Send us to the hospital now." Zach said loudly.

"I'll send you to the hospital, but don't get emotional." The six bodyguards squatted down one after another and pretended to assist Zach and the other two.

Zach and the other two did not have any defense. When they thought they were going to be saved, they suddenly felt something stuck into their bodies.

Looking back and seeing an injection stuck in his back, Zach's blood instantly went cold, "Fuck! What are you doing?"

"Since you are in a bad condition, I just give you a cardiotonic." The bodyguard said with a smile.

Zach's two juniors were also stuck by the needles. And in a panic, they waved their arms frantically, trying to hit the bodyguards beside them.

The bodyguards had already started retreating after the injection, and the counter-attack by Zach and the others did not have much effect.

Instead, the counter-attack sped up their blood flow, causing the drug to take effect more quickly. In the blink of an eye, the three monks were choked by foams in their mouths, and then their bodies twitched vigorously. A few moments later, they were lying motionless on the ground, out of breath.

The bodyguards didn't say anything and went up together to lift the bodies of the three and put them into the commercial vehicle.

The lead bodyguard walked to the Mercedes, "Boss, everything is handled properly."


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