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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 630

Hackett and Master Daphne sat on the balcony, chatting with each other. They looked at the winding road leading to the villa on the top of the mountain.

"An hour has passed, but Maximilian still didn’t appear, “Daphne, you must be wrong.”

Master Daphne's right thumb moved quickly on the other four knuckles as if the right thumb was convulsed. Suddenly, Master Daphne’s thumb stopped, and his eyes looked deep and far away, "It's almost the time, and Maximilian should be arriving soon."

When Master Daphne's voice fell, Maximilian's car had already rushed into hillside road.

Seeing the glow of the headlights on a hillside road, Hackett stood up violently, "You still have some abilities, and can tell it correctly. But I don't know if you have calculated our results or not." Hackett said with his hands behind his back.

"Naturally, it's a great fortune, and we've taken a big step towards victory." Master Daphne said with a smile.

"Hahahaha, that's good. Let's prepare to welcome the fruits of victory."

Hackett and Master Daphne smiled at each other, and the two figures suddenly disappeared.

Maximilian's car stopped at the door of the mountain top villa, and he took Amira out of the car and walked into the villa. Once inside the villa, Maximilian smiled when he looked around and saw several specially arranged places had been touched.

After entering the villa and looked around, Amira frowned and said when she saw no one in the villa, "What did you bring me to your house for? Didn't you say you wanted to take revenge on my family?"

"I brought you here to take revenge for them, the murderer who killed your family is here." Maximilian said calmly.

Amira looked at the empty villa again and said with a sneer, "You are making fun of me! Where is the murderer?"

"It's just that you can't see them, but they are right here. Hackett, you can come out, and you don't need to hide."

Just as Maximilian's words fell, Hackett appeared in Maximilian and Amira's field of vision.

When Amira saw the sudden appearance of Hackett, she let out a scream of surprise, then shrank into Maximilian's arms and tightly hugged Maximilian's waist with both hands. "He, it's him, he's the one who killed my whole family! He's the murderer!" Amira shouted shrilly.

"Calm down. I know he is the murderer." Maximilian calmed Amira's emotions.

Hackett grinned and stepped towards Maximilian, "You're quite good. You know we're going to lure you away from the villa, and you've hidden your wife and others in advance."

"I can't harm people, but I can’t stop others hurting them. I'm just careful." Maximilian looked at the pace of the Hackett approaching, calculating when he should give Hackett a sudden attack.

And Hackett was also calculating a safe distance. When Maximilian was still six steps away, Hackett stopped.

The corner of his eyes looked in the direction behind Maximilian and saw Master Daphne had silently appeared behind Maximilian.

At this moment, there were two more wheels in the hands of Master Daphne, a gold wheel and a silver wheel. And two more wheels were hanging around the waist of Master Daphne. He was called Master Daphne because of these wheels.


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