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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 631


Master Daphne let out a miserable cry, watching his shoulder helplessly collapse with Maximilian’s beat.

As his right shoulder was seriously injured, his entire right arm lost strength, and the golden wheel in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter.

After a painful breath and chill, he was completely embarrassed and said with a sad face, "Don't do it. I have something to say. Everything is Hackett’s trick, and I am just an accomplice!"

He hated Hackett extremely. If it weren't for his idea, he wouldn’t have fallen into such a dangerous situation.

Now that he lost one arm to Maximilian and did not even have the courage to escape.

Amira clenched her jaws tightly, trembled slightly, and looked at Maximilian with hatred. But fear turned her legs into lead, and she had no strength to move at the moment.

Amira could not make it, whether going forward or running away.

Maximilian glanced at Amira, and then asked Master Daphne, "What's the matter with the wind-heat syndrome? Why did she become like this?"

"It's Hackett. He brainwashed her with the secret technique. From now on, Amira has only hatred for you, and would regard you as an enemy of the slain!"

Master Daphne had nothing to hide, and directly told him what he knew.

Hearing this, Maximilian frowned, thinking about how to save Amira.

But as no one know what method Hackett used, Maximilian could not think of a treatment. Moreover, Hackett had been killed, and it was impossible to get response from his mouth.

"How did Hackett practice his secret technique? Or did he say what secrets he used?" Maximilian asked sullenly.

Master Daphne shook his head hard, "I saw he put a lot of silver needles in her head, but I don't know anything else. The silver needles had long been taken out by Hackett. It was impossible for you to recover her by taking the silver needle out."

Maximilian was disappointed, so it was difficult to save Amira.

When Maximilian was considering what to do, Amira suddenly rushed crazily out to the villa door.

"Amira, come back!" Maximilian shouted.

Maximilian didn't chase out because he had to keep an eye on Master Daphne.

But Amira seemed to not hear Maximilian’s shouting, rushed out of the villa quickly, and then disappeared on the way down the mountain.

Maximilian frowned and grabbed Master Daphne’s neck for many rounds, "You’d better be honest to me. If you dare to make tricks, I will strangle you."

"I don't dare to do it." Master Daphne said nervously.

Maximilian rushed out carrying Master Daphne in his hand, and tried to get Amira back.

But when Maximilian rushed to the winding road, he had completely lost the trace of Amira.


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