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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 659

The chef was very confident of his strength since cooking was heavy work. Back when he started to learn to cook, the first thing he had done was to shake the wok.

An iron wok was already heavy enough, and there was half wok of sand in it. The learner had to shake the wok up and down with one hand. When the sand could fly high in the air while none of it was spilt out of the wok, the learner passed the round of shaking the wok.

Just shaking the wok was enough to build up strong arm muscles, so chefs were usually powerful physically.

However, the chef was exerting his utmost strength now, but je failed to move the kitchen knife even a bit, which made him doubt everything about himself.

Could it be that Maximilian was also physically powerful? Even if he was, he had just eaten the drugged food! He should have been weak all over now!

It was not right! Could it be that Maximilian was not affected by the drug?

"Have… haven’t you been affected by the drug? It’s impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible. You’ll never get by with your little trick. Preston has played his cards so poorly, which really disappointed me."

Maximilian shook his head, his look full of disdain, as if it was shameful to mention Preston.

The chef was fuming with rage. He clenched his teeth hard and glared at Maximilian. "How dare you? Our young master is not someone you can comment on. Fix this loser Maximilian!"

The sous chef and the helpers rushed up one after another, swinging at Maximilian with their ladles, woks and cutting boards.

Maximilian stared scornfully at the people dashing towards him and flung up the hand holding the chopsticks. The kitchen knife in the chef’s hands flew away.

When Maximilian flung up his hand, he put forth his strength tactfully. Spinning, the kitchen knife flew up to the sky, went over the chef’s head and dashed towards the top of the head of the sous chef, who was running up to Maximilian.

The sous chef got scared and staggered backwards, blocking the helpers’ ways behind him who were charging. Suddenly, the crowd bumped together in a mess. They could move neither forward or backward.

The kitchen knife fell down into the crowd, chipping off one of the helpers’ right ear.

"Ouch! My ear is cut off! My ear!"

The helper covered the wound gushing with blood with his hand, screaming in terror.

The sous chef and the others watched him, terrified. They drew themselves backwards, cringing. None of them dared to rush forward anymore.

The chef regretted that he had acted too smugly just now. Now he was snickering nervously while backing off. "Well, don’t get too conceited. Our young master will arrive soon, and you’ll get a good beating!"

"Preston is on his way? Then I will have a good chat with him. Since he has messed up my family’s housewarming party, I’m going to hold him accountable."

With his arms crossed in front of his chest, Maximilian waited for the arrival of Preston calmly.

Before long, Preston’s car stopped outside the villa.

Preston strode into the villa, glanced around the yard and frowned.

The situation was totally different from Preston’s expectation. He had imagined that when he arrived, the whole villa would be under the chef’s control. All he needed to do would be to humiliate Maximilian.

However, now the chef and the others were bunching up in a panic, while Maximilian was sitting aside with a casual air. Apparently, Maximilian had gained the upper hand.

"What happened exactly? What are you doing here?" Preston roared in anger.


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