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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 660

Preston was suffering intense pain all over his body, and the pain in his crotch almost killed him.

In an instant, the front of Preston’s robe was completely stained with blood, turning into bloody red.

"It… it hurts!"

Preston groaned, his face distorted, and then he threw himself on his knees slowly.

The chef and the others were dumbfounded, as they never expected that a plate would be so powerful. It was nothing but an ordinary plate!

"Young… young master, how are you feeling now? How about we send you to hospital?" The chef asked in a panic.

Preston stared at Maximilian with resentment. "Who… who are you on earth? How can you be so powerful?"

"I’m just an ordinary man. I just want to show you how to lay low. When one puts on airs, he will be attacked by a plate," Maximilian answered with a smile.

Preston felt depressed. All the arrangements he had made were to push him forward today, but in the end, he came to such a shameful end.

It seemed that Preston had never done anything successfully after he met Maximilian.

"You just wait and see!" Preston spat.

When he wanted to ask the chef to take him away, the crash of vehicles resounded in the air.

Maximilian and the others looked outside the yard gate, only to see a Land Rover crashing into the car Preston was previously in, and now Preston’s car became a total wreck.

"Bastard! Who crashed my car?" Preston roared in fury.

Master Benedict got off the car with his people and strode into the yard while Preston was crying.

"Master Benedict? Why have you come here, Master Benedict? You come just on time. Come on and help me fix Maximilian!" Preston called out, as if he had seen the savior.

Master Benedict walked up to Preston with a smile and then spat out a gobbet of phlegm over Preston’s face.

"Bah! You fucking bastard. How dare you make trouble at Mr. Lee’s housewarming banquet? Where did you get that nerve from?"

"Master Benedict, what do you mean by that? Haven’t we reached an… agreement before?"

Before Preston could finish his words, Master Benedict lifted his foot and stamped it hard on his face. Preston screamed in pain.

"I gave you a chance, but you wouldn’t even admit you are wrong now! Come and fix Preston and his people!"

With Master Benedict’s roar, his men drew out their sticks one after another and beat Preston and his people up.

Master Benedict cast a glance at Preston and his people, and then trotted to Maximilian’s side.

He bowed and smiled obsequiously like a servant, and said, "Mr. Lee, I’m late. It’s my fault to startle you."

Maximilian squinted at Master Benedict and said in a cold voice, "I’m afraid there’s more to it. Do you think I’m an idiot?"

"No, it’s not like that. How dare I regard you as an idiot? Please forgive me, Mr. Lee. I’ve played along with his plot on purpose, just to see what he wanted to do."


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