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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 668

Numerous unknown artists suddenly burst into enthusiasm, and were all eager to show their works in order to gain public recognition.

Lenny's eyes lit up and he said loudly, "Our art exhibition is about to begin. Do you have the courage to compete with us, and let the audience make judgment?"

"No problem, as long as you don't run away later." Maximilian said confidently.

If he was to compare his works with respectable calligraphers, Maximilian felt he was inadequate; but compared with these elder calligraphy artists, he can definitely win them in every way.

"Since it is so, everyone can witness it. The three of us will compete with this young bloke on calligraphy. We are men of distinguished bearing. If you lose, you only need to apologize to me, shoot an apology video and put it on the Internet," Lenny said with smug.

"No problem, what if you lose?" Maximilian asked with a smile.

Lenny raised his brows and sneered, "We won’t lose. You must know we are all internationally renowned artists. Even Pablo Picasso has praised my works."

"Well, I guess that only the masters of abstractionism can understand your unique calligraphy, and ordinary people like me cannot appreciate your works." Maximilian said mockingly.

Lenny didn't seem to understand the ridicule, and said with great pride, "You are somewhat knowledgeable. Even the great artist Picasso can communicate with me and know how precious my works are."

Patel echoed, "It is our sorrow, and also the sorrow of art. You young people have no artistic foundation and no artistic appreciation."

The other unknown artists nodded one after another, and began to rodomontade.

"The audience in this generation can't appreciate our vanguard art form. We have surpassed human civilization for hundreds of years, and only humans in a few hundred years will be able to understand our works."

"We should work hard to improve the appreciation level of the public. It is the duty of my generation. We should allow art to be appreciated by thousands of households, and our paintings and calligraphy should be seen in every household."

Facing the self-confident non-mainstream artists, Maximilian was speechless. Hearing them singing their praises, he felt nauseous.

"You don't need to say you are great. When you start to perform the unique ugly calligraphy, I will compare notes with you, and now please make a way for me. I want to buy some seals materials."

Seeing Maximilian's impatient expression, the three ugly calligraphy artists raised their heads and let out a snort.

"We are artists of tolerance. I will cut you a break this time. We will have a good competition later, and let your youngsters see how good we are."

"The essence of calligraphy art is in our hands. When you see our performance, you will be impressed and show your respects. Then you will naturally know how great we are."

"There is no need to say more, whoever doesn't show up is the coward, I hope you don't go back on your words."

The three ugly-calligraphy artists gave way and felt that they needed to prepare well for the competition, as it could be the explosive moment of self-hype.


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