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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 669

The stall owner put down his phone, glanced at Maximilian curiously, and said lazily, "You know a lot! That’s good."

"I’m interested in Jade. I know a little bit, but it's just some superficial facts." Maximilian said modestly.

"You are quite modest. Have you taken a fancy to it? I can give you a discount if you like."

"The bloodstones on your booth are all produced in Bahrain, and they are all hard-bottomed. It is worthless." Maximilian said with a smile.

"You know a lot about hard-bottomed bloodstones. That is good for you. It seems that the good things I have can finally be appreciated by a professional. Since you know the business, come and take a look."

The stall owner got up from the deck chair, opened the cabinet under the stall, and took out a long wooden box.

The long wooden box was carefully placed on the booth, and the owner pushed the lid of the wooden box open, revealing all kinds of seal materials inside.

"These are all types of seal materials I have collected all my life. Look at it! This is a piece of three-colored Jade, the standard rhino horn frozen-bottomed bloodstone, rarer than ordinary frozen-bottomed bloodstones.

And this piece of orpiment, have you seen it? There is a golden spun, one out of ten thousand. The color is fresh and tender. Don't compare it with imported orpiment. This is incomparable.”

“Look at a piece of lychee frozen-bottomed bloodstone, it is the highest grade, and it has the texture of lychee fruit. It’s bright and spotless. I even want to take a bite!”

Look at the color of this raw quartz, how beautiful it is, the baby pink of the lotus, with this glittering and translucent texture, it is definitely the masterwork. "

The stall owner introduced with excitement.

Both Victoria and Flora looked at the seal materials curiously, especially attracted by the ross quartz and the lychee frozen-bottomed bloodstones. The crystal clear and glittering texture are what women like most.

Maximilian casually picked up an inconspicuous piece of pure black seal material from the box, held it in his hands and played with it gently.

"This jet is good, it is pure, and it weighs heavy, it is the best of jet."

"You are smart, most people can’t recognize it, in the past, it was only used by big bug."

The most famous person who used jet as a seal was Master Dugu (502 -557AD). He was known as the most famous father-in-law! He was the father-in-law of Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty, and grandfather of the first emperor of Tang dynasty.

Master Dugu had three daughters. They are Empress Mingjing of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Empress Yuan Zhen, mother of the first emperor of Tang Dynasty, and Empress Wenxian of Emperor Wen in Sui Dynasty.

He used a piece of hexahedron jet as a seal, and fourteen seals were engraved on its twenty-six surfaces, forming a complex combination of seal.

The formation of the seal itself was classy, and it can be regarded as unprecedented in the entire human history.

After playing with the jet, Maximilian put it back and looked at the stall owner with a smile and said, "Is there anything better?"

"Do you think these are not good enough? You have a very good taste. Any of these is of the top quality." The stall owner said with great certainty.


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