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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 677

Kacper fell to the ground, feeling a sharp pain all over his body, as if all his viscera were misplaced.

Maximilian went to Kacper and said in a cold voice, “You are so weak. It’s far from enough for you to take revenge with such inability.”

Kacper looked at Maximilian with a bitter smile. He couldn’t raise any idea of resistance in his mind, but the hatred couldn’t be put down.

Kacper hated Maximilian and others, as he had almost turned him into a ghost.

So Kacper wanted to let Maximilian and those people fight with each other. No matter who won, he would vent his anger.

“Frankie is a brainless guy. I’m sure he didn’t tell you anything. What a fool! I’m not stupid. As long as you can let me die happily, I can tell you everything about the experiment center.”

“Then tell me what you know. Maybe I’ll let you die happily when I’m pleased.”

Kacper closed his eyes and said weakly, “You may already know what they are researching about. They just want to make people stronger and become killing machines under their control. Now they are very interested in you because you are so much stronger than normal people.”

“They are in urgent need of your blood and want to extract genes from your blood for further analysis. They said you have important genetic components or something. I don’t know too much about the details. Anyway, that’s what it is.”

“That’s all I know. If you kill them, it’s your revenge for me. If they kill you, it’s also a revenge for me. No matter what the result is, I’m happy. Frankie, that fool....”

Blood gushed out from Kacper’s mouth because his neck had been kicked off by Maximilian.

Looked at Kacper’s body, Maximilian took out his mobile phone and called Chief Carr, asking him how to deal with it.

Maximilian went back to the pavilion and untied both Victoria and Flora. They jumped into Maximilian’s arms, crying loudly.

Tears wetted Maximilian’s chest. Just now, Maximilian’s T-shirt was broken. Now he was half-naked, and his symmetrical muscles showed the beauty of masculinity.

Their faces were tightly attached to Maximilian’s chest, and tears were rolling down.

Maximilian put his arms around them, caressing their backs with his big hands, and comforted them in a low voice.

“Don’t cry. It’s all right. You must be scared just now. Now relax. It’s over.”

“That guy turned out to be Kacper. How could he look like that? It really scared me to death.” Victoria shook her head and wiped her tears on Maximilian’s chest.

“When we were waiting for you, the guy rushed to catch us. I was so scared, and thought he was going to molest us.” Flora was also in tears.

Maximilian sighed and said with a bitter smile, “Don’t cry any more. If you cry again, you won’t look good, and you don’t want to be ugly, right?”

Sure enough, women were concerned about their appearance. When they heard that they would become ugly if they cry again, they both wiped their tears nervously, as if they would really become ugly.

“We were scared to death just now. What did Kacper say to you? How did he become like this?”

Victoria was still in a shock. She couldn’t help looking at Kacper’s body. Then she turned her head away quickly and her face pale.


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