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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 678

“I ran too fast just now. Maybe I scared the doorman. The one who guards at the cemetery should be brave, but this old man is too timid.” Maximilian said.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention. Victoria and Flora thought, ‘How fast should Maximilian just run if he can let the doorman treat him as a ghost?’ Think of this, there were traces of waves in two women’s minds.

Opening the door of the back seat, Maximilian let Victoria and Flora sit in. Then Maximilian got into the cab and drove slowly to the city.

On the way back, a patrol vehicle came to meet Maximilian. The big horn of the police car also called for Maximilian to pull over.

Maximilian pulled over the car with doubts and put down the window to look at the oncoming patrol vehicle.

Looking at the taxi stopped, Detective West didn’t wait for his patrol car to stop and opened the door and jumped out of the car.

Detective West walked quickly to the cab side of the taxi and looked at Maximilian with a serious look.

“Are you coming from the cemetery? Why are you going to the cemetery in the evening?” Detective West asked seriously.

Several patrolmen who follow Detective West also came over and stared at Maximilian with fierce eyes.

Just now, they received a call from the guard of the cemetery. They came in a hurry to see who was so bold to go to the cemetery and make a scene at night.

Flora and Victoria were also confused. They didn’t know why these patrolmen stop them.

Maximilian said calmly, “We came from the cemetery. We went to the cemetery to settle a private business. You don’t have to ask.”

Detective West’s face changed. He thought Maximilian was arrogant.

Just as he was about to scold Maximilian, Chief Carr’s car came from behind.

Chief Carr got out of the car with his men in plain clothes with loaded guns, and the eyes of Detective West and others widened immediately.

‘What? How can there be a team with all kinds of guns? Are they bandits? Even if they are bandits, how can they be so arrogant in front of police here!’

Detective West was extremely shocked and almost peed in his pants. They took out their pistols with shaking hands and said nervously, “Who are you? I’m Detective West in the western suburbs. I order you to lay down your weapons now!”

The patrolmen followed Detective West were flustered. They took out their pistols one after another, hid behind the car door and carriage, and nervously looked at the approaching Chief Carr and others.

Maximilian looked at Chief Carr and said with a smile, “There are no strangers. Chief Carr, don’t scare the patrolmen.”

“Didn’t they come to block the way? These suburban guys are so bold that they dare to stop on the road and impose fines at will.”

Chief Carr’s words stopped Detective West and his team.

‘Even if we issue tickets, we won’t bring so many people with us.’ they thought.

‘Who is the big wig in the taxi? Although he drives a taxi, he is followed by a group of armed guys. Incredible!’

Detective West wiped the sweat on his forehead, put the pistol away, and asked carefully, “Who are you?”

“They are from the patrol brigade in the city and come here to help me dealt with something.” Maximilian waved his hand.


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