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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 681

Watching Maximilian approaching him with frightened eyes, Jakub couldn’t feel more regretful at this moment.

He regretted being so straight to Victoria just now. Instead, he should have done that without Maximilian’s presence.

However, it was no use crying over spilt milk right now, and the only thing Jakub could count on was his four bodyguards.

When he saw the four bodyguards lying on the ground, Jakub fell into utter despair.

The four bodyguards were lying motionless on the ground, dying, while blood was oozing out of their mouths.

Suddenly, Jakub went into a panic. Now that his last hope was gone, what he could do was running away alone.

The rattled Jakub fled at his top speed, but his lack of exercise on a routine basis caused him to run slowly, even if he was trying his best right now.

Maximilian laughed, shaking his head. He didn’t even go after Jakub, but kicked at a tin can at the roadside.

The can was kicked up and flying in the air as fast as a shell. Just in the blink of an eye, it hit Jakub’s back.


Jakub spat out a mouthful of blood, staggered a few steps and fell to the ground, feeling as if the bones on his back were all broken.

Maximilian walked over to Jakub slowly, stopped at his side and stamped his right foot straight on his cheek.

Suddenly, Jakub’s feminine and pretty features were distorted. It was a deep insult to him to be stamped on the cheek by someone else’s foot.

"You bastard, take your damn foot away now!" Jakub called out as loud as he could.

"It seems that you don’t have any awareness that a captive should have at all. Now you’re no longer the young master of the Saunders Family, but my war trophy. As long as I push a little harder, your skull will be crushed."

Those words Jakub was about to shout out were stuck in his throat all of a sudden.

At this moment, he had really become the captive and his life was totally under Maximilian’s control. Jakub got cold feet instantly.

"Please, please don’t. Let’s both calm down and have a good talk, alright?"

"Then why didn’t you have a good talk with me just now? Now I’m furious. Say something soothing to me. Otherwise, I will crush your fucking head."

In the face of Maximilian’s strength, Jakub started to tremble all over and said in fear, "I… I’ll tell you. I was dispatched to you by my grandfather, together with Regan. He is coming at you with his masters. He is the main one aiming at you."

"Regan? It seems that he hasn’t learned his lesson yet. In this case, I will give you a lesson first."

After that, Maximilian ground his shoe sole into Jakub’s cheek hard, and soon his pretty face was disfigured completely.

"Ouch! It hurts! My face, my face!"

Jakub roared with rage. What he cared most was his face, but now he was totally disfigured by Maximilian, which made him weep in pain.

Tears streamed down to the wounds on his face, intensifying the pain.

Painful and angry, Jakub passed out directly.

Seeing that Jakub fell into a coma, Maximilian showed a cold smile.


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