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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 682

In H City Hotel.

A young lady with amazing figure was wandering around anxiously in the lobby, shooting a glance at the Patek Philippe watch on her wrist from time to time.

This was Beatrice, the daughter of Marcus’ first love and classmate that he had mentioned yesterday. She was waiting for Maximilian’s arrival at this moment.

The doorman pushed open the hotel gate, and Maximilian strode in.

Beatrice took a glance at Maximilian, and then looked down at her phone. There was a big photo of Maximilian on the screen.

After confirming the comer was who she had been waiting for, Beatrice showed a bright smile, looking stunning.

A few hotel guests passing by stared blankly at Beatrice, drooling over her.

Maximilian walked over to Beatrice calmly as if the one in front of him was not a charming beauty, but some modest-looking woman.

Maximilian had long been immune to ordinary beauties since he appreciated Victoria’s beauty every day. Beatrice looked pretty, but her temperament and charm were slightly inferior to Victoria’s.

Seeing Maximilian’s composed face, Beatrice couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed, and even started to throw doubts upon her own appearance and charisma.

Beatrice looked at other men around, and found many of them were drooling over her. Therefore, her confidence in her appearance was restored a little.

Seemingly, it was not that she wasn’t pretty enough, but because this Maximilian was too indifferent to appreciate her beauty.

"Mr. Lee, you’re VERY punctual."

Beatrice stressed the word very, blaming Maximilian for arriving just in time but keeping a beauty like her waiting in the lobby for so long.

In the past, Beatrice had always been the one being waited by others, and it was the first time for her to wait somebody else in public.

Maximilian shrugged smartly and said with a casual air, "Punctuality is a good quality, which is something I’ve possessed all along."

The smile froze on Beatrice’s face. It didn’t occur to her that she would get such an answer. She thought to herself. Maximilian was indeed an arrogant man. If it weren’t for the fact that she was threatened, she would never deal with such a man.

"You must have an unhappy family, don’t you, Mr. Lee?"

Maximilian threw a surprised glance at Beatrice.

"My wife and I are very intimate to each other, so forget about being the other woman."

Having heard what Maximilian said to Beatrice, the onlookers around were stamping their feet in anxiety.

'Bro, this is a perfect opportunity, and how can you ruin it with that answer? Do you know how to pick up a girl?”

“If not, step aside and let us do it. We simply can’t hold ourselves back from approaching a beauty like her!'

Beatrice stared blankly at Maximilian, wishing she could kill herself by hitting a piece of tofu. Had she just gone nuts by asking Maximilian such a question? Beatrice really wanted to give herself a slap on the face at this point of time.

With a livid face, Beatrice threw a fierce look at Maximilian, turned around and walked towards the elevator.

Maximilian followed behind Beatrice, walking steadily.

Now that Maximilian was entrusted by his father-in-law with the task, he had to finish it. Maximilian was a man of his words, so he wasn’t agitated by Beatrice’s attitude.


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