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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 690

Just as the dagger was about to plunge into Maximilian’s palm, Maximilian bent his five fingers and seized the dagger very deftly.

Lennon only felt a huge resistance, and the dagger could no longer pierce into Maximilian’s palm. There seemed to be infinite resistance in Maximilian’s five fingers, which blocked the power of the dagger.

Lennon glared at Maximilian and then gritted his teeth fiercely. He twisted his waist to make full use of the strength of his whole body, trying to drive the dagger to break through the resistance with the explosive force.

Lennon’s strength gushed out like a torrent. The bones in his body made a crackling sound, and every muscle tensed. Then all the explosive strength was gathered on Lennon’s arm.


Lennon roared angrily, and the sweat broke out on his forehead. He spared no effort to use all his strength.

However, the dagger did not advance any further. It was still easily pinched by Maximilian’s five fingers.

Maximilian, who seemed to have a calm expression on his face, was as firm as a rock at the moment. No matter how hard Lennon burst out the power in his body, he couldn’t let the dagger breakthrough Maximilian’s five fingers.

“Your skills are very common. How could you be so arrogant just now? Is Myles blind? How could he hire such a wimp? I am ashamed of you.”

Maximilian said faintly and applied force on his five fingers. After that, a cobweb-like crack appeared on the dagger, and then the dagger shattered into countless fragments with a click.

“Tsk tsk, it’s not just you. Your dagger is also perilously fragile. Where did you buy the forged and fake commodities? Both your pebbles and dagger are inferior products. Don’t pretend to be a master since you are so poor.”

Maximilian gave Lennon a teasing glance. He never thought highly of Lennon.

Lennon, whose chest violently undulated, felt so angry at Maximilian’s words that he roared and intended to punch Maximilian.

“Don’t blast off on the spur of the moment! See whose fist is hard!”

“You are courting death.”

Maximilian threw a punch at random, colliding with Lennon’s punch.


Two fists intersected and made a small sound. As the sound rang, Lennon’s arm gradually softened, and then the whole arm hung softly as if it had no bones.

Because of Maximilian’s punch, Lennon broke all the bones from the fingers to the shoulder so his right arm could not be supported at all.

Lennon showed a look of astonishment. He never expected that his arm would be interrupted by a punch.

Just as Lennon was horrified, Maximilian immediately landed a punch on Lennon’s chest.

Lennon who staggered back two steps felt that his heart was hit by a huge force as if his heart was about to burst.

Then Lennon’s throat tightened, and he smelled blood.


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