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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 691

"What do you mean by that? Don't be too ruthless and leave yourself some retreat. If you want to kill me, I am afraid it won’t be that easy!" Lennon wiped the bloodstains from the corner of his mouth, narrowed his eyes, and stared at Maximilian. He slowly took two steps back and retreated to Myles's side.

Myles reached out and grabbed Lennon's clothes and said nervously, "Lennon, go up and hit him, kill him! You can't let him leave alive! If you can't kill him today, we're bound to be hunted by him in the future!"

"I'm sorry, Myles!" A fierce light emerged from Lennon's eyes, and his left hand grabbed Myles's arm and slammed Myles as a hidden weapon at Maximilian, then he turned around and ran away. Lennon wanted to use Myles to buy some time so that he could escape.

Myles, who was thrown out, wanted to say countless “Fucking” to Lennon. "Lennon! I fuck your whole family! You son of a bitch, you are cheating me!" Myles yelled.

"If you want to run, just say it straight. I won't stop you from leaving. Since you leave without saying, I will give you a gift." Maximilian muttered and then kicked the stone beside his feet, and the stone was like a loaded bullet, flew out and shot towards Lennon.

Lennon was running wildly and didn't even notice that an insignificant stone was flying behind him.

At this moment, Myles had already spun and flown to Maximilian. Maximilian raised his leg high, and then his foot fell hard, and the sole of his shoe stepped on Myles's cheek. He stepped Myles on the ground.

Myles fell heavily on the ground, felt that all the bones of his body were broken after being smashed, and his whole body was full of fiery pain.

Then feeling the sole of Maximilian's shoe stepping on his cheek, Myles felt terrible shame and said, "Maximilian! You hurry up and let me go, our family is not easy to be messed with! If you dare to hurt me, my grandfather will definitely kill you! My grandfather knows a big shot from the Dragon Sect! Do you know about the Dragon Sect? That's an incomparably powerful hermit sect. If the Dragon Sect sends someone here, they can just kill your whole family!"

Myles told all the family secrets to save his life, hoping to scare Maximilian with the family secrets.

After listening to Myles's words, Maximilian couldn't help but laugh. Unexpectedly, the family behind Myles had something to do with the Dragon Sect, but Maximilian didn't know which Dragon Lord they were attached to.

The eight Dragon Lords of the Dragon Sect had their power, and each had countless families attached to them, and any one of them may easily change the pattern of the industry.

"Well, Dragon Sect really scared me. I heard that the Dragon Sect has eight Dragon Lords, I do not know which Dragon Lord your family relies on." Maximilian asked calmly, with no sense of horror at all.

Myles was stunned. He was surprised when he heard Maximilian knew the Dragon Sec, but he didn’t expect that Maximilian even knew that the Dragon Sect had eight Dragon Lords.

Most people wouldn’t hear the name of the Dragon Sect, let alone knowing that the Dragon Sect had eight Dragon Lords. Myles also accidentally learned that his family was related to the Dragon Sect and was under a dragon lords' command.

"You, how do you know all this? Who the hell are you? It is impossible for ordinary people to know this. What you are?" Myles asked in fear, and his voice had been trembling.

Bertie looked at Maximilian in amazement. Although she didn’t know what Dragon Sect meant and who the eight Dragon Lords were, she still knew that Maximilian's identity was not simple.


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