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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 692

Myles was stunned and didn't understand the meaning of Maximilian's words, "Mr. Lee, you, whose evidence are you asking for?"

"That depends on whether your grandfather can comprehend my meaning. There's only this one chance, just take my words back. Go away."

After Maximilian finished speaking, he stepped on Myles's shoulder. With the cracking sound of bones, Myles's right shoulder was caved in by Maximilian, and his whole right arm was completely ruined.

Myles was excited because Maximilian said go away. But he was painfully convulsed by the sudden stomp now and almost fainted.

"My shoulder, my arm! You, you are going to let me go, why do you still hurt me?" Myles was rolling on the floor in pain, and a cold sweat broke out all over his body.

"Well, I'm afraid that you are too young to do things well, so I gave you a lesson first." Maximilian finished coldly and looked at Lennon not far away.

At this moment, Lennon was lying on the ground. There was already a pool of blood under him, and he was already dead.

Maximilian smiled faintly, then looked at Bertie and said, "Hurry up and go home. Be careful in the future."

"Ah? Oh, oh, that, you, you do not send me back?" Bertie said apprehensively.

Maximilian raised his eyebrows, shook his head, and said, "I still have something to do, I'll go first."

Looking at Maximilian's departing back, Bertie stomped her foot fiercely in anger, feeling that her lungs were about to explode because of anger. When Maximilian drove away, Bertie did not dare to stay any longer and left the scene at a trot.

Aarav’s men also assisted the unconscious Aarav and others to leave quickly. The entire square became deserted in an instant. Except for the dead Lennon, there were only Myles and his bodyguards left. The bodyguards rushed to Myles's side in a panic and took him to the car, and left in a hurry.

Maximilian drove home, chatted with Victoria and others for a while. Seeing Marcus winking at him, so Maximilian found an excuse to go to the study with Marcus.

In the study, Marcus asked anxiously, "Maximilian, how is the situation?"

"Dad, don't worry, I've done everything, and there will be no problem." To reassure Marcus, Maximilian briefly told him what had happened.

After listening to it, Marcus grinned and patted Maximilian's shoulder lightly, "Not bad, thanks a lot this time. My old classmate should invite us to dinner in a few days, then we can go together. "

"Well, I will not go, Dad, you can go alone. I help you keep this secret and will never reveal anything." Maximilian didn’t want to see Bertie again, and it seemed that Marcus had some secrets with his old classmate, who was his first love, so Maximilian decisively didn’t want to get involved.

"That's fine, since you don't want to go, then I won't force you. And you remember to keep it secret."


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