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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 710

“You are so knowledgeable. I’m your fan.” Diana flattered Maximilian immediately, hoping to leave a good impression on him.

Maximilian placed the two pieces of fish into a plate neatly, looked at the chef and said, “You prefer to slice the fish to cook puffer fish sashimi in your country, and you think the thinner the better. Is that right?”

“That’s right. One can even read the words on the newspaper through a slice of fish in the light. That’s the best skill of cutting the puffer fish.” The chef was grim-faced, having a bad feeling.

From Maximilian’s experienced operation just now, the chef could feel that there was a great gap between him and Maximilian.

“Just see it.”

Maximilian turned the knife in his hand and cut the puffer fish meat at a great speed.

His movement was so quick that he just spent several seconds finishing the cutting. The fish looked like a complete piece after cutting, as if it had never been cut up.

The chef was sweating on his forehead. Once Maximilian showing his dealing with the fish, the chef realized that Maximilian’s knife skills were extraordinary.

“What’s your knife skill? It’s even better than my master’s. How can there be such a person with such knife skill? My master’s knife skill is one of the best in our country. But you have already overwhelmed him.”

Canaan laughed and said proudly, “My master is the best cook among race car drivers and the one who fights the best among cooks. He can be hailed as an omnipotent superman of the new era and the keeper of justice and peace.”

“Shut up and stop showing off.”

Maximilian tapped Canaan on his forehead, then he picked a piece of puffer fish with chopsticks.

The puffer fish Maximilian picked up was as thin as cicada wings, through which the things behind the piece of fish could be seen, not to mention the words on the newspaper.

The crowd burst out exclamations, all photographing the slice of fish.

“It’s so wonderful. I suppose there are few chefs who can have such great knife skill.”

“What do you do, man? My son is not good at study. Can he learn how to cook from you?”

“It’s definitely the top-level knife skill. You have spared many efforts on it, right?”

Canaan looked at the chef complacently and said loudly, “Are you getting off the subject? It’s time that the chef gave us a performance.”

The chef flushed, bowed low to Maximilian and said in a loud voice, “I was so arrogant just now. I didn’t expect that you have such great knife skills. I sincerely apologized to you, sir. I’ll resign and return my home country and I’ll never step out of my country for the rest of my life. I will be dedicated to improving my knife skills. I hope I can have as excellent knife skills as you.”

When the chef finished his words, he turned around and left. The manager was stunned, his eyes sweeping between Maximilian and the chef, then the manager ran out of the lobby.

Canaan rolled his eyes and said, “Bastard! Is that all? He just said a few words and left? Don’t they have the tradition of Seppuku when they suffer a failure?”

“Well, you just have the puffer fish. Here you are.” Maximilian handed Canaan the puffer fish on the plate.

Then Maximilian cut another piece of puffer fish, put it into a plate and said to the people around, “I’m sorry for disturbing your having meal. I’d like to apologize to you and offer you to have a taste of the puffer fish.”

“Never mind. We’re so lucky to see your excellent knife skills.”


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