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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 717

Seeing the dead bodies around and feeling disgusted due to the smell of blood in the air, Rohan made up his mind to leave Mount QL forever. 

Here in the mountains, though there was little possibility for the appearance of tigers, beasts such as wolves and black bears could still be seen occasionally, and the smell of blood would soon draw them here to the shelter.

Rohan stood up, while a sudden strong sense of dizziness made him stumble. The next second, he was attacked by drastic heartache, feeling that his heart was about to explode.

It seemed that his death was approaching. Rohan felt that all his strength was taken away from the inside by something invisible and vomited blood unceasingly. All these things happened to him so overwhelmingly that he couldn't keep his stance anymore, fell down to the ground and never stood up again.

Soon after, wolves in the distance sensed the smell of blood and started to howl and grope for the source. Later, they found the bodies of Rohan and his men were everywhere and found no dangers around. With a howl of the leader wolf, the whole pack of wolfs rushed to the bulk of the bodies, eating their raw fresh and drinking their blood.

Looking at Victoria who was still in astonishment and confusion, Maximilian gently stroked one side of her smooth and soft cheeks to remind her of that all was over, "Hey, what's in your mind, sweetie? Still wondering how I drive them off, aren't you?"

The touch of Maximilian brought Victoria back to reality. Shyly, she gave a blank look to Maximilian and then embraced him.

Maximilian then put his hand back on the waist of his lady as before, chatting, laughing and heading deep into the mountain with her. After a few rounds of searching, they failed to find any so-called panacea, and then left under the urge of Victoria.

It was the moment when they went back to the entrance of the mountain that they saw Pearce walking back and forth ahead. Maximilian became cautious to see him still hanging around here, and stepped towards him to check his intention.

Seeing that it was Maximilian who was walking down the mountain from not far away, Pearce took a collective breath and said to him, "Thank god! You guys come back safe and sound! I was almost about to call the cops just now!"

"What? Have you been waiting for us here after our seperation? For what?" Asked Maximilian confusingly.

Pearce scratched his head and smelled awkwardly, "Nothing, I'm just worrying about you two. I heard from the guys who got their asses kicked that they would call Rohan and ask him to take care of you two. I don't want to see any of you die of it, and that's why I am here." He had been on tenterhooks worrying about the safety of two strangers.

At that moment, Maximilian could see the glittering kindness and simplicity of Pearce whose appearance was not good though.

"I just want to express my sincere gratitude for everything you have done for us," Said Maximilian.

"It's my pleasure! Hey, I guess you guys are definitely hungry now. How about coming with me back to my home and tasting some local chicken for dinner? You guys will certainly like it!"

'Such a good man.' Maximilian told to himself and wondered how to return the favor. At last, he decided to accept the invitation and was going to check further Pearce's personality on the dinner table. If he was exactly the same as he was acting like, Maximilian would then hand over a portion of shares of medicine purchase to Pearce in return of the Topyuan Group.

Maximilian then said to Pearce, "Sounds good. But wait a second, I need to call up the other two of my friends. They are in the village and will go with us tonight." He then gave a call to Flora, made clear his location and asked her and Canaan to come.


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