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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 718

The few villagers, who were injured by Maximilian, poked their heads and looked in. When they saw Maximilian, the villagers shivered, "You...why are you here? How can you leave Mount QL safe? Pearce, did you whistleblow something to them? Did they went to another mountain?"

Maximilian stood up with a sneer and strode towards the courtyard gate, "What? Do you hope I can't get out of the mountain? It seemed that the lesson I gave you just now wasn’t good enough."

A few villagers were in panic and hurriedly backed away, "No, no, no, buddy, you misunderstood us, we can rest assured when we see you are fine."

"Yes, yes, we are worried what happened to you, so we come here to have a look. Since you are fine, we will leave right away."

A few villagers said as they were going to run. Maximilian hit them hard just now, so when they saw Maximilian now, they were clear that it’s impossible for then to resist.

Maximilian snorted and said coldly, "Did I let you go? I was just thinking of teaching you guys a good lesson, but I didn't expect you to come here."

Villagers glanced at each other, and their faces were full of bitterness, "Buddy, we, we reflected, we admitted our mistakes, we all did wrong, and please forgive us, and let us go as farts."

"That, we also have prepared gifts to make our amends. We have packed a lot of herbs. All of them are wild top quality goods from the mountains, and we give all of them to you as a gift."

Several villagers had confessed to Maximilian, and they all carefully stared at Maximilian and were worried that Maximilian was not satisfied.

Maximilian stared at several villagers and did not say a word.

Those villagers felt a lot of pressure because of his cold eyes, and the sweat dripped on their foreheads. The cool breeze in the mountains made them feel extremely cold. The villagers felt tremendous pressure and were scared to death when they looked at Maximilian's cold eyes.

"Buddy, there are antiquated medicines left by the elderly in my family. They are traditional medicines that have been used for decades and hundreds of years, and I give them to you as a gift. "

"Yes, yes, I also give you all my family's old medicine. We really know that we are wrong, you just forgive us this time."

Several villagers begged for mercy, and Maximilian coldly waved his hand and spat out two words, "Get out!"

"Yes, we will get out, and we will get out right now." Several villagers responded while running away quickly. Only when they turned to the corner and could no longer see Maximilian, they stopped with heavy breaths.

"Holy shit, this guy's eyes are too scary. His glance just now almost made my heart jump out of my chest."

"Hey, I also have that feeling. It feels like his eyes are like knives and can be directly stab into my heart."

"What the hell are you guys talking about? I'll call Rohan and ask him to come to clean up this kid, we can't let him go for nothing."A villager said and took out his cell phone, pressed it a few times, and dialed Rohan's number.

"Beep, beep, beep..."

No one answered the phone, and the villager who called frowned, "Rohan did not answer, maybe he's busy. I will call West."The villager dialed again, but still, no one answered the call.


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