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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 720

"I did nothing. I am just bored and want to chat with you. Anyway, you are just playing games in the office." Flora pouted and said.

Maximilian rubbed his head, thought for a moment, and said, "I'm going to check one thing, you drive here and cooperate with me later."

Flora immediately became energetic and said with a cheer, "Yes, Maximilian, you wait for me. I will drive over now, and I will definitely be there soon."

"No hurry, drive slowly, and don't drive as a road killer."Maximilian hung up and called again, asking Chief Carr to prepare two fake documents for Flora and him. After calling Chief Carr, Maximilian shook the paper removed from the bomb again, and the paper made a crisp sound along with the shaking.

"This clear and melodious sound is exactly the same as the sound of a new banknote shaking, it is full of the smell of banknotes." Maximilian muttered. He had already determined that the clue was definitely in the banknote printing factory because it was difficult to find such special paper from other places except for the H City banknote printing factory.

According to Maximilian's speculation, the other party may have accidentally used the money printing paper, so the other party was probably hiding in the H City banknote printing factory.

Soon Chief Carr arrived in a hurry and took out two work permits and handed them to Maximilian, "Mr. Lee, this is the work permit you want. I found special relations to get out the special investigation documents, they are considered real and not afraid to be checked."

"Thank you." Maximilian took the document and said politely.

Chief Carr said cheerfully, "You don’t be polite to me. What are you going to investigate? Do you need my help?"

"No, I can do it myself, but you still have to come for the final finishing work. Go back and wait for my call."

"Okay, then I'll go back first." Chief Carr did not hesitate and did as Maximilian wanted.

After Chief Carr left, a Mercedes stopped not far away quickly, and the window of the driver's seat was lowered. Flora lay on the window and whistled to Maximilian, "Handsome boy, do you want me to take you for a drive?"Flora couldn't help but laughed after she finished her words. She loved to molest Maximilian.

Maximilian rolled his eyes helplessly, strode over, opened the passenger door, and got into the car. With a flick on Flora's forehead, Maximilian glared and said, "You're acting like a hooligan."

"Well, you don’t love me, so I have to take the initiative. How do you feel being molested?" Flora laughed as tears came out of her eyes.

"Not good, if you are naughty like this again, I will crush you under the Five Elements Mountain." After Maximilian finished speaking, he took out a work permit and threw it into Flora's arms, "Take it, and show it when necessary."

"What is it?" Flora curiously opened the work permit and looked at it twice, and then said in surprise, "No way, Maximilian, you actually do a fake permit?"

"This is not a fake, and it does not afraid to be checked.Hurry up and drive to tthe H City banknote printing factory."Maximilian said coldly.

Flora was dumbfounded and looked at Maximilian, and suddenly guessed whether Maximilian wanted to rob the H Citybanknote-printing factory, "You … Is the pocket money that Victoria gave you not enough? If so, you can't rob the banknote-printing factory. I have private money here, and I can give all to you, OK?”

"What nonsense are you talking? I am going to go to the banknote-printing factory to catch the killer. Are you crazy?" Maximilian rolled his eyes, leaned back in his chair, and felt helpless.


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