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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 721

Maximilian winked at Flora, and said softly, "Show your certificate to him."

Flora took out her certificate, held her head up and handed it to Read, "Look at it, and you'll get nothing to say."

Read took a look at it and his eyes widened. He checked the certificate several times, and finally returned it to Flora.

"Well... I need to call the leader for instructions, please wait a minute."

Then Read walked back to the gate house quickly and picked up the phone on the desk.

Flora put away her certificate and snorted, arrogantly like a peacock.

Read quickly put down the phone and walked out again, "I will take you to talk with Director Nicholson. He is in charge of security."

"Thank you." Maximilian was very grateful to Read. If it weren't for Read, he might have to spare more efforts.

Read led Maximilian and Flora to the office area and made a brief introduction of their factory.

When he reached the door of the security office, Read knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Read opened the door and walked in, "Director Nicholson they are Mr. Lee, the security minister of the Topyuan Group, and Miss Flora from the Secret Investigation Department."

Director Nicholson raised his head and glanced at them, "Read told me about you and he can coordinate with you to deal with that matter. He used to be a police officer. He had experience of solving crimes and can help you get familiar with the factory. But the production area is forbidden."

Director Nicholson glanced at Read, and waved his hand gently, indicating him to take them away.

"Okay, Director Nicholson. I will definitely cooperate fully. Then we won't bother."

Taking Maximilian and Flora out of the office, Read said with embarrassment, "It's hard to be a good person. I will help you with it. Do you want to check the surveillance video or visit the factory?"

"No. Find a quiet place and I'll ask you a few questions. "Maximilian wanted to hit the subject for there was no so much time left.

He came here to lure the snake out of hole.

Read took a surprised look at Maximilian, walked to the next office, and took out the key to open the door, "Let’s talk about it here. This is my office, but I don’t usually use it."

Don't you usually use it? Maximilian felt that Read's words were a little bit strange, as if he wanted to emphasize something deliberately.

Read opened the door, walked in, then pulled away the curtains and opened the window.

"I don't use this office frequently. It may have an unpleasant odor. Hope you don't mind. Do you need me to spray some air freshener?"

Without Maximilian's reply, he had already picked up the air freshener from the table and sprayed it in the room.

Maximilian glanced at where the air freshener was placed.


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