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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 722

"Wipe your tears. You are also forced to do so. Don't care too much about the past." Maximilian handed over the tissues.

Read loosened his grip, took the tissues and wiped the tears on his face, "In these years, I often don't sleep well at night, for I feel sorry for him. I'm a little gaffe. Don't mind. Let me calm down."

He held his head and calmed down after a while.

Seeing him calm down, Read asked, "Can I contact the people in the banknote printing factory casually?"

"Of course not. There are strict procedures for handling banknote paper. In theory, every piece will not flow out."

Read glanced at Maximilian, and emphasized "in theory."

Maximilian nodded: "That means there is a possibility of outflow, right? Do you know it? "

Read took a sip of water and shook his head gently, "I don't know, and it hasn't happened before. But no one can guarantee that there won't be mistakes. All systems are made by people, and there are loopholes because there is human relationship."

His words were objective and almost impeccable.

"Who has access to the paper for printing money?" Maximilian asked.

Read frowned for a moment and said slowly, "Security personnel, porters, workers at the forefront of the printing process."

Maximilian leaned back in his chair and looked at him sharply, as if interrogating a prisoner, "What processes are the security responsible for?"

Looking at the imposing Maximilian, Read was absent-minded for a moment. After returning to his senses, his expression was complicated and he slowly lowered his head.

"They are responsible for warehousing supervision and outgoing inspection."

"Who is responsible for these? Who is in charge? "

Read chuckled and looked at Maximilian, "Are you suspicious of our security department?"

"How can it be a suspicion? I am making a bold assumption and carefully verifying it." Maximilian said seriously.

Read shook his head helplessly, got up and took out a stack of letter paper of the factory, and began to write names.

After finishing writing, he handed it to Maximilian, "This is the list of security personnel guarding the warehouse. If you want to check them, I can help you."

Maximilian looked at the dozen or so names on the paper and waved to Read, "No, we can investigate privately. Thank you for your cooperation today."

Maximilian put the letter paper away, stood up and said to Read, "We're gonna go. If necessary, I will come to you again."

Read hurriedly got up, "You are welcome. The leader has ordered, so of course I'll help you. If you need, you can come to me at any time."

He sent Maximilian and Flora to go out. Seeing their distant back, his eyes were vicious.

Closing the door, Read picked up a circuit board and whispered, "Interesting. People from the Secret Investigation Department actually came. However, the game is fun in this way. Maximilian, you are hooked this time."

With a cold smile, he took out a weird cell phone from the drawer.

That mobile phone was completely different from those on the market, but was self-made with circuit boards.


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