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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 726


The crisp gunfire sounded. The bullet shot through Kayden’s head and left a hole at the middle of his eyebrows. Blood mixed with brain plasma slowly flowed out.There were unwillingness, shock and nostalgia for the world in Kayden's eye.. His body strength was rapidly disappearing, and then he fell to the ground and gasped his life away.

"You pose is cool. But you lacked some agility." Maximilian commented on Kayden's movements and then walked quickly to the monitor.

In the warehouse, Read had already subdued Flora. And he was binding Flora's hands and feet with straps to restrict Flora's movement. After that, Read looked at the camera on the warehouse door and slowly lifted his mask, revealing a smug smile.

"Kid, your woman is in my hands. If you want to save her, hurry up and come here! You are indeed powerful, but I like challenges. You make me very excited. Our game has just begun, hahaha." Read's voice was heard from the speakers, and the poor speakers made Read's voice a bit weird.

Maximilian looked a little gloomy, clenched his pistol, and walked down the tower quickly. As soon as walking out of the tower, Maximilian heard a buzzing sound. A drone was hovering not far away, and Maximilian narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the barrel mounted under the drone.

Da-da-da! The drone had taken the lead in firing, and the recoil made the drone tremble violently in the air, looking like it would fall apart at any moment. At the same time, the recoil also affected the accuracy of the shooting. And the bullets hit a circle of smoke around Maximilian, but none of the bullets hit Maximilian's body.

"Fuck!" Read was controlling the drone and cursed. Pushing the joystick of the drone, Read wanted to make the drone fly back and find another chance to fire.

But Maximilian had already raised his gun and pressed the trigger while shaking his head.

"It is just Children's toys. Your bombs and drones are actually very amateur gadgets." Maximilian said to himself, and the bullets were already flying out from the muzzle of the gun.

The drone in the air shook violently, emitting a series of clanging sounds, and then fell from the sky.

Maximilian glanced at the drone that had fallen into the blazing flames and then strode towards the warehouse.

Read looked at the controller with the black screen and threw the controller on the ground ruthlessly.

"Damn, I must have not read the almanac today when I went out today, so I encountered so many unlucky things. But fortunately, there is still such a beautiful woman as a hostage. Now is the time to test your feelings, and to see if your love is solid as gold. You should pray that he loves you more than he loves himself." Read said sinisterly. He reached out and pulled Flora to himself, pointed his gun at Flora's temple, and dragged Flora out of the warehouse’s door.

Looking at Maximilian coming from a distance, Read shouted, "Throw away your gun and walk over with your hands on your head."

Maximilian threw away his pistol and walked quickly towards Read with his hands on his head.

Read tightened the gun in his hand and felt his palms were sweating a bit from the tension.


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