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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 727

Read, whose face was distorted, pushed away Flora in front of him.

Flora's feet were tied, and after being pushed away by Read, she couldn't control her balance by jumping twice and fell to the ground. Flora fell to the ground, had her calf scratched on the ground, and a little blood leaked from her thin white calf.

Flora felt hot and painful in her legs, but she clenched her teeth and squeezed her mouth, making no sound. She was afraid that making a sound would affect Maximilian. Now the situation was unfavorable, and God's weight was on the side of Read, so Flora didn’t want to burden Maximilian anymore.

Looking at Maximilian’s hands and feet were tied up, Flora really couldn't think of any other way for Maximilian to save himself. At this moment, Flora's heart was even a little desperate.

The desperate Flora suddenly smiled and felt that it was also a good thing to die with Maximilian. They couldn’t sleep in the same bed, but at least they could die together.

They could die together, and in the next life, she could be together with Maximilian. Then she would go after Maximilian when she was a child and must let Maximilian be her husband in the next life! Thinking about this, Flora suddenly felt a little happiness.

Looking at Flora, who fell to the ground, Maximilian's eyes were red as he looked at Read, "This is a bit too much, right?"

Looking at Maximilian's angry expression, Read laughed triumphantly, "Hahahaha, what? Pushing down your woman makes you angry? Then you should make your anger stronger and let me see how you are angry."

Read waved the gun in his hand, strode towards Maximilian, and put the gun's muzzle fiercely on Maximilian's forehead, "Come on, you get a little more rage, and let me see how angry you can be."

Maximilian dropped his eyelids and gradually regained his calm expression, "Who ordered you to assassinate us?."

"Oh, now you're the fish and I'm the chopping block, do you think I'll tell you? Don't fucking dream, later I will play a new game with you, and will let you taste the taste of being abused and killed."

Maximilian slightly narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Are you sure you want to play a game with me? I don't think I'll be the one who dies in the end."

"Fucking ass!" Read looked at Maximilian playfully, like he was looking at the prey that was just captured and was about to be slaughtered.

"Originally, this is the customer's secret and cannot be told. After all, I also have professional ethics, but since you are about to become a dead person, I will tell you. I received a mission from Mitchele. You should know Mitchele, right? He told me to kill you. After playing game with you, I can go to Dynasty One to find Mitchele to report this mission, hahaha..."

Read's face showed an excited expression, and when he raised his hand to push Maximilian, Maximilian suddenly moved.

Maximilian's mouth moved, and a short steel needle flew out from Maximilian's mouth and stuck straight into Read's eyebrow.

The pain came, and Read felt the breath of death. His trigger finger suddenly pressed hard. However, when the trigger was halfway down, Read's pupils began to lose sight, and his vision became more and more blurred.

Read's finger that pressed the trigger was even weaker, and then he couldn't press the trigger any longer.

"How could this happen? ...No…Not…"Read didn't finish his words, and he fell weakly to the ground.

Flora looked at Read's corpse in surprise but didn't understand what had happened just now.

Maximilian's tied hands suddenly used force, and the straps made a crisp sound and were broken by Maximilian's hands. After Maximilian untied the straps on his feet, he quickly walked to Flora's body.


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