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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 730

Billy and Brett had a bad feeling in their hearts as they listened to the comments made by the audience. After the two looked at each other, Billy said, "Buddy, we can only go and report. As for whether Mason and Mr. Mitchele will come down or not, we couldn’t control it."

Maximilian also did not want to make things too difficult for them. Seeing they had said this, he nodded in agreement and asked them to go up and report.

As if being amnestied and with the help of the unscrupulous youths, Billy and Brett walked up to the second floor.

Seeing this, the crowd also went away. If Mason didn’t come out, then there was nothing interesting to see. If Mason came and they stayed so close, then they were asking for death.

A group of female college students, who had been staring at Maximilian, eagerly saw the crowd went away and pushed a girl out.

That girl had a sweet appearance, a slender figure, and a ponytail, showing youthful vitality. She took a deep breath, clenched her right hand tightly, and walked towards Maximilian quickly as if she had lifted her strength. When she reached a few meters in front of Maximilian, the girl's pace slowed down again. It didn’t know it was because she was nervous inside, or it was because Flora, who was smiling and beside Maximilian, was looking at her.

The girl stopped, and her face flooded with hesitation, nervousness, and shyness, and her expression was quite complicated.

"Hiss!" Maximilian felt a pinch on his waist from Flora and took a breath of pain.

Flora smiled and beckoned to the hesitant girl, "Little sister, come here, are you looking for us for something?"

When the girl saw Flora speaking, her expression became even more tangled.

After taking a deep look at Maximilian, the girl said softly, "I...I want to get to know this elder brother. I don't mean anything else, I just want to make friends." The more the girl said, the lower her voice, and it seemed that she didn't even believe what she said.

Maximilian covered his forehead, and he was inexperienced with this kind of thing. Should they give each other their names first? Or should he give her contact information? Was it possible to sit down and have a couple of drinks and chat for a while?

While Maximilian was thinking deeply, Flora lightly bumped Maximilian with her shoulder, "The little girl wants to get to know you. Why don't you just get to know her, leave a phone number and add a WeChat or something?"

"Oh." Maximilian replied in a mess, then forced a smile and said, "Hello, my name is Maximilian. Now we know each other. Do you want to drink? I'll buy you a cocktail. Do you need to leave a phone number?"

Maximilian talked about all the methods he was thinking of. While Flora was sipping a cocktail next to him, she almost spat out the wine in her mouth.

“Ok, Maximilian, you pretended to be wood when you were with me, and you are glib-tongued like this when facing the little girl. Buying her a drink and giving her phone number, do you want to get the little girl drunk, and then do something with her?”

When Flora stared at Maximilian, the girl was already blushing. She did not expect that her male god was so enthusiastic, and she was so excited and almost wanted to scream out.

The girl stretched out her small white hand and made a handshake gesture, "My name is Nevaeh, I'm glad to meet you, Maximilian."

Maximilian hesitated for a moment, but still extended his hand to shake hands with Nevaeh, "I'm also very happy to meet you."

They shook their hands lightly and then separated.

Nevaeh was a little excited, took out her mobile phone, and exchanged phone numbers with Maximilian.

Looking at the interaction between Maximilian and Nevaeh, Flora's face became ugly, "Hey, are you guys done yet? You said you're going to be busy with your business, are you ready to give up your business for the sake of picking up women?"


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