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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 729

Brett waved his hand, and those young men screamed and moved their hands at Maximilian.

Since their leader had said it, they must behave well. Besides, if Maximilian was badly hit, the beautiful woman next to Maximilian couldn’t run. Those delinquent youths were just thinking of Flora.

When seeing they want to fight in the bar, many people looked at them. Jasmine lit a cigarette, leaned back on the sofa, and watched quietly.

Flora yelled, pretending to be frightened, and hid behind Maximilian, with her curvy upper body pressed tightly against Maximilian's solid back.

Maximilian calmly saw several fists that they had waved at him and slowly stretch out his arm. It didn’t see how Maximilian moved, but repeated screams rang out. Several delinquent youths covered their stomachs one by one and fell to the ground.

"Hiss! Billy, we can't beat him."

"Ouch! My stomach really fucking hurts, this kid is too cruelly."

No one could see Maximilian's movements. And because no one could see it clearly, so everyone became scared.

The crowd tried to make things bigger. Some applauded, some whistled, and some asked them to continue to fight. There were often fights in nightclubs, and the bigger it got, the more people would enjoy it.

Jasmine's eyes had become bright, and she was looking at Maximilian greedily as if she couldn’t wait to strip Maximilian and press him on the bed.

In the corner, a few young women dressed as students were also watching Maximilian and whispering.

Flora leaned on Maximilian's back and whispered, "You came here to show your prestige on purpose, right? I saw several old women and little women looking at you with bright eyes."

"Stop it, we come out to do business." How could Maximilian not understand that Flora was jealous?

Billy and Brett looked at each other and felt that Maximilian's skills were extraordinary, and they did not dare to fight with Maximilian for a while, "Which way are you on? Can you report a name? This is Mason’s field."

"Which way? I should be the right way. You quickly go and ask Mitchele to come down." Maximilian said with a cold face.

Billy and Brett froze, the right way? Had he read too many martial arts novels?

"Since you don’t give us face, then don’t blame us for not being polite."Billy touched his waist, with a cold light flashed, a dagger appeared in his hand.

Brett took out a knife from his trouser pocket, and with a flick of his wrist, the shiny blade appeared.

A few delinquent youths saw the two big brothers took out their swords and instantly showed joy in their eyes, "Billy and Brett made a move, this guy is dead."

"Dead? That's too cheap for him. We should let him taste three knives and six holes first."

Many of the guests around stood up, and their eyes were on Maximilian. Many of the people dancing on the dance floor stopped and gathered around the bar to watch, "Do it, do it quickly, we are waiting to see it."

"Hey, they have took knifes out, this is a rare. We haven't seen a knives for many years in Dynasty One."

Billy and Brett took a deep breath, and after looking at each other, they worked together very tacitly. The dagger stabbed at Maximilian's throat, the knife stabbed at Maximilian's heart, and both of their left hands swung out at the same time, striking at Maximilian's lungs and small abdomen.

The two had honed their joint techniques for many years, and when they joined forces to attack in the past, they never ran into an opponent.

Maximilian coldly looked at the two men, and his both arms probed out like a dragon, and his speed was so fast that they brought out a residual shadow, hitting Billy and Brett's heart first.

Boom! Boom!


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