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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 736

Mitchele put his hands in his hair and pulled his hair fiercely as if he could think of more things in this way.

Maximilian leaned on the back of the sofa and stretched out his hand to gently touch his chin.

‘It doesn’t seem to be that simple. Could it be that Mitchele is holding something back from him? Mitchele saw through Jasmine’s identity unintentionally? Or Jasmine deliberately let Mitchele know it?’

Maximilian didn’t figure it out after thinking for a while, so he stopped thinking about it. After all, he already had some clues. Then he just needed to go to Jasmine and trace the clues.

Moreover, he had to ask Connor to arrange for someone to find out the location of Thompson and the others and eliminate them first.

“I have got a lot today. I will call Connor and ask him to send you out.”

Hearing that Maximilian was about to arrange for someone to send him out, Mitchele shed tears of gratitude and knelt to give Maximilian a kowtow.

“Thank you. Very thanks for the help. I will not forget your kindness in my life.”

“You’re welcome. Live a good life after you go out. Don’t get involved in these messy things anymore.”

“I won’t let it happen again in my life. I promise.”

If there was regret medicine, Mitchele would definitely eat dozens of pills. And if there was a time machine, Mitchele would go back to the past and stop himself from doing these things.

Maximilian made a call to Connor. Connor said that he would make arrangements to send Mitchele away as soon as possible.

After hanging up the phone, Maximilian gave Mitchele a gesture. Mitchele hurriedly stood up and followed Maximilian out of the room.

As soon as they left the house, four strong men emerged from the stairwell, all of whom were wearing the work clothes of the moving company.

These movers looked brutal at the moment and they all held Katars.

“Boy, leave Mitchele behind. We can let you go.”

Mitchele huddled behind Maximilian and trembled, “Mr. Maximilian, you must take me away.”

Maximilian held the dagger and smiled sarcastically.

“I’m in a hurry. You guys come together. It’s too troublesome to fight one by one.”

The four movers were stunned for a moment, and then angry expressions appeared on their faces.

“Boy, since you don’t take the open road, I will send you to the gate of hell! Bros, let’s fight together. We must teach him a lesson today.”

The four movers worked together to attack Maximilian with their sharp Katars.

Seeing the punches from the four movers, Maximilian couldn’t help but shake his head, “You are all too weak to commit murder and arson.”

The four movers got angrier and tempted to punch Maximilian harder.

“Fuck! Show me what you got. I will let you kneel to beg for mercy.”

“It’s not enough. We should beat him hard so that he can’t take care of himself in the future.”

Hearing this, Maximilian snorted. The short sword in his hand seemed like a dragon, wandering among the punches of the four of them.

A dazzling gleam of the dagger appeared, followed by screams.


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