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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 737

Maximilian gave Mitchele a cold look, “What were you thinking? It is your fortune that I can save you. I’m not your bodyguard. I have no obligation to protect you.”

“Mr. Maximilian, I didn’t mean that. I mean... I mean, you can send me away. I’ll give you the money. I hire you to protect me, okay?” Mitchele pleaded pitifully.

Maximilian slowly shook his head, “It’s impossible. I have more important things to do. Don’t think too much. Nothing bad will happen.”

Watching Maximilian refusing decisively, Mitchele didn’t say anything but kept sighing.

Soon the elevator reached the first floor, and the doors opened slowly.

There was no abnormality outside. Maximilian gestured to Mitchele and walked out first.

The minibus outside the building was already gone. Only the container truck of the moving company remained.

The four people dressed as porters panicked when they saw Maximilian coming out, “Damn it. Maximilian is coming out. Does it mean that...”

“Stop blabbering! Get in the container and hide. Otherwise, you will die.”

The four people hurriedly climbed into the container and closed the container door tightly.

Maximilian glanced at the container truck and didn’t care those hidden people, leading Mitchele directly out of the community.

The Connor’s men was already waiting at the entrance of the community. When he saw Maximilian, he ran over quickly, “Mr. Maximilian, Connor ordered me to send Mitchele away.”

“Okay, I will leave Mitchele to you.”

“It is my honor to serve you. We will send him away by the waterway.”

“Go.” Maximilian patted Mitchele and then walked to the street alone.

The young man took Mitchele into the commercial vehicle on the side of the road. There were several capable and brawny men in the commercial vehicle. All of them looked filled with awesomeness.

Seeing the posture of these brawny men, Mitchele was a little relieved. After all, there were still so many capable and brawny men guarding him. There should be no more accidents.

Mitchele and the young man got into the commercial vehicle one after another, and then the commercial vehicle drove away.

Looking at the commercial vehicle away, Maximilian shook his head slightly.

“Mitchele is bound to die. Forget it. I have no time to save him.”

After muttering a word, Maximilian took out his cell phone and dialed Jasmine’s number.

After the line was connected, Jasmine’s charming voice came, and the background sound sounded very noisy. It seemed that Jasmine was in a nightclub or KTV.

“Hey, Maximilian, how do you find the time to call me? Have you killed Mitchele?”

“I tried, but I failed.”

“Huh? Come on. It is very easy to kill him with your skills. You don’t mean to increase the price?”

Maximilian looked up at the starry sky and said lightly, “I don’t mean that. It’s just that there were another two groups of people also coming to kill Mitchele. I want you to give me an explanation.”

“What!” Jasmine said in surprise, followed by the sound of a cup falling to the ground.

“What do you want me to explain to you? I only asked you to kill Mitchele.”

Maximilian chuckled. He could already imagine Jasmine’s facial expression.

Maximilian was sure about that Jasmine did not have any anger but was wearing a flirty smile.

At the moment, Jasmine indeed had a smile. However, it was not the flirty smile that Maximilian had imagined but a bitter smile.

Jasmine couldn’t help but have a bitter smile. The call from Maximilian proved that the people sent by Jasmine should have failed.


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