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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 740

Benjamin laughed and didn’t dare to have bad ideas anymore, “It is Harley who asked me to kill Mitchele and throw him into the river to feed the fish after I pick him up. Then I have to find a chance to assassinate you.

But I didn’t expect that you were so wise and responsible that you directly saved Mitchele and traced our location. If I knew you were so capable, I would back off and stay away from you.”

Maximilian touched his chin and said, “What else has Harley arranged? Or maybe he has arranged for others to kill Mitchele, right?”

“I don’t know about that. I haven’t heard of anyone else coming to H City. Harley didn’t say who else had been sent.”

Benjamin looked at Maximilian scrupulously. If there was any regret medicine, Benjamin would immediately eat more than a dozen pills.

After killing Khalid just now, he should leave directly. Because of Khalid’s words, Benjamin had the mind to wait for the rabbit, but what he waited for was a rabbit that could knock down a tree. This made Benjamin regret it deeply.

Maximilian looked at Benjamin who was regretful and couldn’t help but laugh. He felt that Benjamin was funny.

“I can keep you alive, but you still have to be punished.”

“Well... As long as you keep me alive, I will receive any punishments!” Benjamin said through gritted teeth.

At this time, Benjamin was meat on Maximilian’s chopping block, so Maximilian had the say. As long as Benjamin could keep himself alive, nothing else was a problem.

Maximilian raised his foot and stepped on Benjamin’s arm. Then he crushed Benjamin’s arm bones with both feet. Even if Benjamin’s arms were connected, it was difficult for him to fight with others. If his arms couldn’t be cured, he would become a cripple in the future.

“Thank you for showing your mercy. No matter if we have fate in the future, we never ever meet again. People of my Doyle family will also avoid a conflict with you.”

Benjamin got up from the ground with difficulty and said hard words.

“Get lost. It’s annoying to see you. If you dare to say one more word, I will scrap your legs.” Maximilian said coldly.

“Okay, okay. I’ll go. I’ll get out of here.” Benjamin rushed to the distance and didn’t dare to speak anymore, lest he would annoy Maximilian and couldn’t go.

Within a few minutes, there was a roar of the motor from the direction of the river. Benjamin and the others should have left by boat.

Maximilian did not leave the abandoned dock but walked towards Khalid’s corpse.

Looking at Khalid’s corpse, Maximilian smiled and kicked Khalid’s corpse with his foot.

The corpse did not respond. A sudden movement of the corpse did not happen as expected.

Maximilian said indifferently, “Khalid, if you don’t get up anymore, I will stab your heart with a sword.”

Khalid’s eyelashes blinked slightly. Then he gently opened his eyes.

Maximilian smiled and said, “Don’t pretend anymore. You have opened your eyes. Get up. Is it fun to pretend to be a corpse?”


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