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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 739

If Benjamin could successfully land a punch on Maximilian’s throat, he would directly break Maximilian’s neck.

Maximilian leaned back and kicked the lower part of Benjamin’s body at the same time.

Benjamin had overused his moves, and there was no chance of regress. In desperation, he twisted his waist sideways and faced Maximilian’s kick with half of his thigh.


Maximilian’s kick was full of strength. Even Benjamin’s stable lower body couldn’t hold this powerful force, so he was kicked out sideways by Maximilian.


Benjamin’s burly body fell to the ground and slid four or five meters away on the ground before he stopped. Half of his body was scratched by the ground.

“Hiss!” those men of sacrifice sucked in a breath in unison.

A group of men of sacrifice in black held long knives and felt a panic in their hearts. In their eyes, Benjamin was invincible, but now he was kicked out without trading several blows with Maximilian. Didn’t this mean that Maximilian’s martial art was already at the top?

Men of sacrifice in black were terrified. They wanted to step forward to stop Maximilian, but they didn’t dare. They didn’t even dare to retreat and escape. They could only hold fast to the long knife and swallow hard.

“Fuck! Damn you!” Benjamin blushed and cried angrily.

It was too embarrassing. Since Benjamin’s debut, he has never been so embarrassed, especially in front of his subordinates. He would have no face to meet people. And he wouldn’t be qualified to reprimand his subordinates in the future.

Benjamin, who was annoyed, jumped up from the ground and roared at Maximilian angrily, “Damn it! It was careless of me just now. Boy, I’m going to get serious. You just wait to die.”

Benjamin found an excuse to save his face and then rushed towards Maximilian again while waving his fists.

Maximilian walked forward slowly and leisurely to meet Benjamin.

“Careless? Well, your martial art is not good at all. You are not even worthy of ‘good look without substantial ability’. You don’t deserve to wear this purple dress. You are a shame to your family.”

“Fuck! If I don’t deserve it, who does? You will die now!”

Benjamin was furious and no longer retained his strength. He was going to land a killer punch. He swung his fists quickly and went straight to Maximilian’s vital parts.

Maximilian shook his head. He seemed to think nothing of Benjamin’s killer punch, “You don’t deserve it. The killer punch of Iron Fist is not used in this way. I will show you the real Iron Fist.”

Maximilian made a fist with his right hand and then shook his fist to Benjamin’s killer punch.

Maximilian’s punch was placid. There was no shadow or wind. It was like an ordinary punch made by an ordinary person.

Benjamin looked at Maximilian’s fist with a disdainful smile. His eyes were full of contempt.

“How do you have the effrontery to brag that it is fist? My eyes could not bear the scene... Ah!”

Even before Benjamin had finished, he let out a scream, and his burly body flew out again.

Benjamin, who was flying upside down in the air, felt a burst of chest distress and shortness of breath. He could no longer suppress the discomfort. With a surge of the throat, the blood was spat out of his mouth.


Benjamin’s body fell heavily on the ground. His face and clothes were already covered with blood, and his mouth was still spraying blood out.


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