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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 751

Regan was stunned when he was about to jump on Beatrice. He saw Maximilian entered the room through the broken glass wall.

Maximilian’s clothes and hair flew along with the wind. Alongside with his stern face, Maximilian looked like the war of god.

Regan could not believe his eyes. This was unreasonable.

This was a tall building with glass wall exterior. How did he get in?

This incredible scene made Regan dumbfounded and even forgot to call for helps.

But smile appeared on Beatrice’s face. Tears mixed with happiness, just like petal with dew, gave Beatrice a different kind of beauty.

“Finally. I thought that you won’t come and save me.”

Beatrice’s voice made Regan came back to his sense. He rushed to the bedside table and tried to grab the dagger. As long as he could get hold of the dagger, he could make Beatrice as hostage.

“You stay there. I am armed and with hostage. I will tear her face if you come any closer!” Regan felt much more confident with the dagger in his hand.

As long as he could put Maximilian on hold, he could ask his bodyguards for help. He should not have let Chapman and Bear left just now. They could be of great help now. Regan pointed the dagger toward Beatrice and thought.

Maximilian moved like a cheetah and was in front of Regan before Regan could react.

As a rich young man, Regan could not really fight at all. All he could do was waving the dagger randomly toward Maximilian.

Maximilian made a left uppercut then a right uppercut, then grabbed Regan’s hair and threw him over shoulder.

Blood streamed out from Regan’s mouth and nose. He groaned on the ground and spat out two broken teeth with blood.

Maximilian did not use his full strength otherwise Regan was a dead man already.

Ignoring Regan’s loud howling, Maximilian walked directly to the bed and checked on Beatrice.

He flashed two fingers in front of her and asked, “How many fingers? Can you count?”

Beatrice’s gratitude toward Maximilian evaporated immediately. She stared at him and said, “Two, two, two. Do you think I am a retard?”

“OK. It seems nothing wrong with your brain. No harm done,” Maximilian said like a doctor. He then grabbed Beatrice’s soft hand and pinched the place between her thumb and index finger. “It will hurt a bit. Don’t scream.”

Maximilian gave the hand a slight press and Beatrice felt a sharp pain.

“Oh god!”Beatrice screamed with all her strength. Outside of the room, Chapman and Bear heard the scream and both shrugged.

“Master must be really good. So loud a scream. ”

“This girl is so hot. Her voice got me hard. It is really difficult to resist. ”

Chapman and Bear looked at each other and flashed a obscene smile.

Inside the room, Maximilian covered his ears with his hands. If not, Beatrice’s scream might make him deaf.

Beatrice sat up from the bed and stared at Maximilian with anger, “Maximilian, don’t think you can do whatever you want even though you saved me.”

“Don’t be ridiculous woman! What did I do to you? I didn’t do anything.”


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