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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 752

“Maybe they wanted to pee in a sudden.” Maximilian said indifferently, pretending innocent.

Beatrice rolled her eyes. The answer was so lame that no one would believe.

But she was touched that Maximilian would save her like a white knight. He was so cool.

Regan was angry with Chapman and Bear. He couldn’t believe that those two would betray him like that.

Chapman and Bear were quite sensible to leave. If they dared to do anything, they might not have the chance to see the sunrise tomorrow.

Chapman and Bear ran desperately until they reached a desolate area. They stopped for air when they were sure that nobody was chasing them.

“Thank god we ran immediately otherwise we would be dead for sure.” Chapman padded his chest and said. He knew how powerful Maximilian was.

Even thought Regan paid them handsomely but life was much more important. They won’t use their life in exchange of money.

“We have to leave H City. We offended all of them.”Bear smiled bitterly. He was so scared of Maximilian and was considering their next step.

Chapman agreed with Bear.

Regan leaned on the wall helplessly. This was the first time in his life that he felt so lonely.

“What do you want? Don’t come any closer.”Regan yelled and tried to back up, but he got nowhere to go.

Maximilian walked slowly toward Regan, just like Satan coming out from hell. Regan felt all his hairs stand up.

Suddenly Regan’s face flushed. A heat rose within his body. Color drained from his face. He forgot his antidote.

Only Chapman and Bear had the antidote. But those two bastards were long gone without any trace.

Maximilian instantly understood what went wrong with Regan. This bastard was well prepared in advance and came specifically for Beatrice.

Beatrice hid behind Maximilian when she saw Regan’s lustful face, as if only Maximilian’s could make she feel safe.

Because of Maximilian, Regan had to suppress himself from wanting to fuck Beatrice right now.

The medicine made Regan feel on fire. The feeling was hard to suppress and he felt trapped.

“Maximilian, please let me go. I will die if I keep on like this.”Regan begged. All he wanted was antidote.

Regan knew what will happen if he doesn’t take the antidote or release himself in ten minutes. It would be unbearable to contemplate.

Beatrice tugged Maximilian and shook her head. She didn’t want Maximilian to be softhearted on Regan.

Maximilian was meaning to teach Regan a lesson, but had better idea when seeing the look of Regan. It was Regan who asked for trouble himself and he had to eat his own bitter fruit.

“What do you want from me!” the effect of the medicine reached its peak and all Regan could think was sex. His last touch of sanity told him to stay away from these two people in front of him.

“Didn’t you want to play? Let’s play.” Maximilian twisted the corner of his mouth and tied Regan up in the bed.


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