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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 316

Chapter 316 Love Can’t Solve Everything
Guilt, self-blame, and heartache welled up in her heart.
Finally, Viola decided to forget it and let Ormand do what he wanted.
She let out a long sigh and gently patted Ormand’s arms which were wrapped around her waist to comfort Ormand.
“I won’t go anywhere. I won’t leave you. Never.”
Viola turned around. Ormand crawled into Viola’s arms and buried his face into Viola’s waist. And he asked in a low voice, “Then … can you share the bed with me tonight? Don’t go…”
“Okay, I won’t go. From tonight on, I will sleep on your bed and coax you to sleep, okay?” Viola rubbed Ormand’s touching short hair.
Ormand nodded.
Viola took out the sleeping robe Ormand had hidden under the pillow and helped him put it on. “It’s winter. Your body has just recovered a little. Don’t sleep naked. Otherwise, you’ll catch a cold.”
Ormand pulled himself into Viola’s arms with satisfaction. He smelled the fragrance of Viola’s neck, and the restlessness and uneasiness in his heart gradually dissipated.
Chapter 316 Love Can’t Solve Everything
Geliberated Viola turned off the lamp and lay on the bed while hugging Ormand.
Not long after Viola lay down, she felt sleepy.
While she was in a daze, she was woken up by the light sobs beside her.
At that time, her sleepy eyes had adapted to the dim light, and she could vaguely see Ormand sleeping on her arm with a lowered head.
She felt a little strange and touched Ormand’s face. Her fingertips accidentally touched the water droplets on Ormand’s long eyelashes.
“Orin? Why are you so sad again?”
Ormand hugged Viola even tighter, and with a strong nasal voice, he muttered, “Viola, I don’t know what’s going on with those lipstick marks on my body. I also feel like I should die, but don’t abandon me…”
So Ormand was thinking about this.
Viola felt a little guilty when she discovered Ormand’s weakness.
She wanted to tell Ormand the truth, but she did not know how to start.
Chapter 316 Love Can’t Solve Everything
Gut Borman
If Ormand knew that he had been messed up, he would probably be in a rage, right?
After thinking for a while, Viola patted Ormand’s back with her palm to calm Ormand, who was in a low mood.
And Viola said, “How could I abandon you? I want you. Other than you, I will never want another man in my life.
“You will be my only love.”
Viola gently kissed Ormand’s eyes.
And she patiently kissed away the tears on Ormand’s eyelashes as Ormand did for her before.
Ormand quietly felt Viola’s love, but he was still a little uneasy.
He said, “If you feel angry, you can beat me or scold me. I will accept the punishment, but you can’t ignore me anymore. It’s uncomfortable to be emotionally abused.”
Viola instantly stopped moving. The corners of her mouth twitched, and her tone gradually became serious.
“It should be me to say that. Last time, you wanted to break off the engagement with me by saying that you were tired of not loving me. Who started the emotional abuse first? Who was it this time? After injecting the blue medicine, you immediately refused to talk to me for two days.”
Chapter 316 Love Can’t Solve Everything
Ormand didn’t say anything.
Yes, he was in the wrong.
He whispered, “Didn’t we agree before that we won’t mention the unpleasant past?”
Viola chuckled. The softness in her heart was quickly replaced by depression in the past few days.
She loved Ormand. But it didn’t stop her from mentioning the old grudge.
“You can mention an old grudge with me, but why can’t I? I can forget the matter of you breaking off the engagement last time, but what about the emotional abuse two days ago? It’s not old, and it’s quite new.”
Ormand was speechless.
He buried his head into the quilt without being able to refute it.
The more Viola thought about it, the angrier she got. Ormand had been sick for a long while. She had never dared think about those things that made her feel aggrieved. Now that Ormand was much better, shouldn’t she settle the score?
If Viola didn’t teach Ormand a lesson, she wouldn’t go through tonight
She sat up, turned on the lamp, and looked at Ormand. “Didn’t
Chapter 316 Love Can’t Solve Everything
you just say that you want to accept any punishment?”
Ormand didn’t answer.
Five minutes later…
The bedroom returned to a peaceful and quiet atmosphere.
A handsome man, who was wrapped in fluffy gray pajamas, was sitting at Viola’s makeup table.
There was a lamp on the table, and Viola’s cell phone was on it. On the screen was her QR code. Ormand was holding a ballpoint pen and drawing a copy of it in double size.
And a bottle of limited facial treatment essence that Ormand had given Viola before was on the top of his head, and the bottle cap was unscrewed.
The bottle was full of facial treatment essence that was almost close to the mouth of the bottle. But under Ormand’s excellent self-control, not a single drop was missing.
Viola leaned against the headboard and watched quietly for a while.
If she beat Ormand up a few times, she would feel a little guilty.
If she let Ormand kneel, she would feel a little sorry for Ormand’s knees. Viola wasn’t cruel enough.
Chapter 316 Love Cant Solve Everything
So she found a way to exhaust Ormand’s spiritual energy.
“Draw it well until the QR code can be recognized. Don’t spill my facial treatment essence. I haven’t used it yet. It is expensive. If one drop spills, you have to draw one more.”
She gave a graceful yawn.
Viola stared at Ormand, who was obediently drawing a QR code. Ormand’s handsome profile, his perfect jawline, and his straight back made Viola enjoy it. And when he was serious, his temperament became very cold.
Viola admired the handsome man for a few minutes. Soon, she felt sleepy, shrank into the warm quilt, and continued to sleep.
Ormand glanced at Viola out of the corner of his eyes. When he saw that Viola was asleep, he sighed silently.
After an unknown period, Viola had just fallen asleep.
She was awakened by the cold air that suddenly rushed into the bed. She trembled slightly, and her small waist was hugged from behind by a cold body.
Ormand felt it wasn’t fair. He was punished, but Viola was sleeping peacefully here.
Ormand was very depressed. He wantonly rubbed his cold face Chapter 316 Love Can’t Solve Everything
against Viola’s warm little face.
In her sleep, Viola was so frozen that her little feet were clenched tightly. She gritted her teeth and asked with sleepy eyes, “What are you doing? Did you finish your drawing?”
Ormand continued to rub against her while unscrupulously asking for warmth from her body.
“Yes, the painting was done in half an hour.”
When Ormand was in the army, he had already learned how to draw and had a good drawing foundation. He used his brain and soon found a relaxed and fast way to draw the QR code. This little trick was not difficult for him.
“All right, let’s sleep then.” Viola was about to die from exhaustion.
She almost habitually held Ormand’s cold hand and moved her back into Ormand’s arms to help Ormand warm up.
Ormand hugged her warm body, but he seemed not satisfied. His cold lips restlessly kissed Viola’s earlobe, and his breath gently blew Viola’s ear.
Viola was a little itchy. She rubbed her ear with her hand and heard the man behind her say in a low, magnetic voice, “Viola, I can’t sleep.”
Chapter 316 Love Cant Solve Everything
Viola answered, “If you can’t sleep, continue to draw until you are sleepy.”
Ormand refused, “But, I’m hungry.”
“There is food downstairs. Go downstairs and get it yourself,” Viola said in a daze.
Ormand’s voice trailed off, and a dangerous aura was gradually approaching
Viola was still waiting for Ormand to explain when she was suddenly forced to turn over by a strong force.
Ormand leaned over and gently rubbed against the tip of Viola’s nose.
“But I want to eat you.”
Viola was stunned.
She woke up immediately. “Wait a minute. You can’t,” she exclaimed.
By the time she reacted to it, it was already too late.
Was this called sharing a bed? It didn’t seem that simple.
Ormand was a wolf who pretended to be a lamb.
Chapter 316 Love Can’t Solve Everything
He had recovered his strength. Viola’s resistance was not worth mentioning in front of him.
After tossing and turning for a night, Viola experienced pain in her waist and legs that she had not felt for a long time.
Chapter 316 Love Can’t Solve Everything


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