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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 317

Chapter 317 Ormand Is Angry
Viola wanted to settle scores with Ormand.
But Ormand was so well-behaved by caring about Viola and
massaging her. So Viola couldn’t find fault with Ormand.
Get Bonus
Because they had enjoyed themselves in bed last night, Viola
didn’t rest much. When the next morning came, she was so sleepy that she couldn’t get up.
Ormand did not wake up Viola. He cooked porridge and
prepared breakfast before quietly going out to work.
As soon as Ormand sat on the office chair, Todd happily came
in to take credit.
“Mr. Hobson, how did you do last night? Was my method
effective? Did Ms. Zumthor stop being angry?”
After enjoying himself last night, Ormand seemed joyful. He generously said, “Your salary and bonus will be raised. Go and report how much you want to the accountant.”
Todd was surprised. “Mr. Hobson, you are so generous. Your image today is particularly tall and mighty. You are simply the
hero in my heart. You…”
Before he finished his flattery, someone knocked on the door
of the office.
Chapter 317 Ormand is Angry
The assistant at the door came in and said, “Mr. Hobson. Ms.
Max is here. She said she must see you today.”
Het Hous
The harmonious atmosphere was instantly destroyed, and
Ormand’s expression turned grim.
Todd said with a guilty conscience, “Mr. Hobson is busy and
has no time to see her. She is no longer the spokesperson for
the Rosie Program. Don’t allow her to go into the top floor
The assistant nodded and opened the door to leave.
“Out of the way.”
Max, who was outside the office, drilled through the gap and
directly barged in.
“Ms. Max, trespassing is very impolite behavior. As the best actress, you have won a lot of awards. You are supposed to be a reasonable woman.” Ormand’s face became darker, and he
didn’t even look up.
Max’s expression was resolute. “I was wrong to barge in
without permission, but isn’t your way of doing things a bit lacking in the ways of a gentleman?”
Ormand frowned and raised his eyes. He stared at Max coldly
Chapter 317 Ormand is Angry
and did not bother to explain himself.
Todd noticed that something wrong was going to happen, so he said, “Well… There might be a misunderstanding. Mr.
Hobson is busy right now. Why don’t you come with me, Ms. Max? I’ll explain it to you slowly.”
“What do you want to say? Your explanation is useless. I want Mr. Hobson to personally give me a reasonable explanation for this matter.” Max glanced at Todd mockingly before turning to
The disgust in Ormand’s eyes did not diminish as he casually sipped his coffee. “How have I lost my way as a gentleman?”
Max stepped on high heels and walked to the guest chair
opposite Ormand to sit down.
“Last night, I might have said something wrong, which made you unhappy. But because of this, you canceled my spokesperson and caused my fans to quarrel online. And you even intercepted a lot of my resources recently. Don’t you think you have gone too far?” Max said angrily.
“Not at all.”
Ormand said indifferently, “You know I have a fiancée, but you still dare scheme against me and let Viola misunderstand. Since you dare do that, you should be prepared to receive
Chapter 317 Ormand is Angry
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“Scheme against you?”
Max was baffled. “Have I schemed against you last night? You
let me go, so I left. It was nothing more than exchanging a few
words with Ms. McGraw at the entrance of Honey Bar. I knew
the rules. I spoke appropriately and didn’t say anything
Her little face was neither humble nor pushy, and she refused
to take the blame.
“Ever since I started my career, I have always disdained to have
rumors about me and male stars, and I don’t want to
deliberately create hype. Ever since I became the spokesperson
for the Rosie Program, I have always been well-behaved.
“To be honest, if I wanted to scheme against you, I would have
done it better. I wouldn’t have chosen such an obvious
situation last night, and I wouldn’t have let you know it. I don’t know why you misunderstand me like this.”
Ormand furrowed his brows. He could sense that something was wrong with her words.
Last night, he was drunk, and he was too nervous at first sight.
He thought about it again. A lot of details last night couldn’t
stand up to scrutiny.
He raised his eyes to look at Todd.
Chanter 317 Ormand Is norw
Todd was lowering his head, he didn’t dare look at Ormand,
and his feet quietly moved to the door. Yes, he wanted to slip
“Stop right there,” Ormand shouted.
“Mr. Hobson, I still have work to do…”
While looking at Todd’s slightly flustered expression, Ormand had an idea in his heart. “No hurry, you’ll go later.”
“All right…” Todd had to agree.
“I will investigate what happened last night. If I have wronged
you, I will return to you the spokesperson position and the
resources that have been intercepted.” Ormand looked at Max.
“Just return them to me? I’ve taken such big blame. Shouldn’t you give me some compensation?” Max didn’t want to let it go
so easily.
“It’s not a good thing to be too greedy. Send Ms. Max out,” Ormand said in a deep voice with a hint of disgust in his eyes.
“Yes, Mr. Hobson,” the assistant said.
Todd knelt on the spot the moment the two left and closed the
“Mr. Hobson, I’m innocent. I didn’t even have time to report the bonus to the assistant. I’m just an accomplice.”
Chapter 317 Ormand is Angry
“Who is the mastermind?” Ormand asked coldly.
Todd lowered his head.
Get Borus
Viola had said last night that if something were to happen, it
would all be blamed on her.
Ormand didn’t dare do anything to Viola, but he could do everything to punish Todd.
Todd raised his head firmly. “It’s Ms. Zumthor.
“She was the one who kissed the lipstick marks on your body, and she was the one who wrote the words on your chest. I helped her put on a show.”
Ormand stared at Todd in disbelief. The cold air around him
was a sign of his extreme anger.
“Tell me everything that happened last night. If you dare miss. a thing, I will take you to the interrogation room and help you remember the things you don’t mention,” Ormand threatened.
After feeling the sharpness in Ormand’s eyes, Todd trembled violently with much more than a hint of fear in his eyes.
“Don’t. I don’t dare do it. I’ll tell you everything.”
Chapter 317 Orm
Viola tolerated her sore thighs as she walked through the
winding alley of the Hobson’s place. She was going to the
As she was walking, she suddenly sneezed twice
uncontrollably. “It doesn’t feel like a good day today.”
Get Borus
Jimmy, who was her driver today, looked at her worriedly. “It has been cooling down every day recently. Ms. Zumthor, you haven’t caught a cold, have you?”
“No, I’m fine, but…” Viola waved her hand.
“But what?” Jimmy asked.
As Viola walked slowly, she carefully felt it and said, “My back always feels cold. This is not a good sign. I feel that something big is going to happen today.”
Jimmy was speechless. He didn’t expect that Viola would
wallow in ignorance and superstition.
“Don’t joke, Ms. Zumthor. You must have caught a cold. Could
you not go to work today and rest at home for a day?” Jimmy
Viola shook her head and refused.
Just as the two reached the garage door, they saw Ormand’s car drive over and stop by their feet.
Chapter 317 Ormand is Angry
Ormand got out of the car with long legs. His face was cold and
full of anger.
Viola looked at him strangely. “Orin? Didn’t you go to work?
Why are you back?”
Ormand walked up to Viola without saying a word. He bent
down and carried Viola by the waist. He carried Viola on his
shoulder in a domineering manner and headed back in the
direction of the Viorin.
“Hey? What are you doing?” Viola asked.
Ormand’s aura was cold as he said in a low voice, “Let’s go
home. I have something to ask you.”
“But… I have to go to Angle Group. I have very important work
today,” Viola shouted.
Ormand didn’t listen to her and continued walking. “Rest for a
day. I’ll get Todd to replace you.’
“Todd? He doesn’t know anything about the entertainment industry. Can he do it?” Viola didn’t believe it.
Ormand narrowed his cold eyes. “Yes, he can. If you have time
to worry about others, you might as well mourn for yourself for
a few minutes.”
Viola played tricks with him last night. He thought that Viola
Chapter 317 Ormand is Angry.
might feel so good, but it caused him to blame himself and
suffer for a long time.
Handcuffs, belts, beating him…
Get Borvat
Chapter 317 Ormand is Angry
Ormand was determined to return all he suffered last night to Viola today.


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