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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 318

Chapter 318 Orin, Please Be Gentle
Noticing the anger in Ormand’s tone, Viola covered her face guiltily.
Viola didn’t dare to struggle again. She let Ormand carry her on his shoulders docilely.
Jimmy stood transfixed with shock.
“Ms. McGraw…”
Jimmy wondered, what should I do? Follow them back to the villa as a third wheel, or go to Angle Group?
“You may go to Angle Group to see if Todd needs help, and bring Toby with you.”
“Yes, Ms. McGraw!”
Jimmy had left. The alley was quiet with Ormand’s anger in the air.
Viola asked with guilt, “Did you find out the truth?”
Ormand did not answer Viola and silently walked forward.
Viola thought, oh no! He is mad at me!
I just knew it. He would be furious about the truth.
However, I didn’t expect him to find it out so soon. I am not
Chapter 318 Orin, Please Be Gentle
ready to face his anger.
Soon, Ormand arrived at Viorin with Viola on his shoulder.
Viola wanted to walk, but Ormand carried her upstairs without saying anything
In the bedroom, Ormand wanted to throw Viola onto the bed as she had done to him last time.
However, Ormand was afraid that Viola would get hurt when his hands were around her soft waist.
In the end, Ormand rationally put Viola down and let her sit by the bed.
Ormand felt a bit hot for having carried Viola all the way.
He untied his tie with one hand, took off his suit jacket, and threw it on the bed elegantly. Ormand rolled up his sleeves and asked, “Will you confess? Or, should I do the interrogation?”
Viola took a deep breath and watched Ormand roll up his sleeves in a daze.
Viola thought, in the past, Bobby would roll up his sleeves with such an expression before beating me up.
However, I believe that Ormand doesn’t have the guts to beat
Chapter 318 Orin, Please Be Gentle
me up!
Even if he wants to!
Therefore, Viola cooled down and said calmly, “Yes, I was the culprit last night. You were bad. How could you go out for a drink without telling me in advance? To make things worse, you stayed alone with Max. I just wanted to teach you a lesson! Don’t get drunk again!”
Ormand pulled a long face. “Todd guarded the door, so nobody could hurt me. I should know you were the culprit last night. Apart from you, Todd would allow no women to draw on me randomly.”
He lifted Viola’s chin with his slender fingers and said in a cold tone, “By the way, do you know why I tried to drown my sorrows? Because of your deal with Jerry! You even intended to marry him!”
Ormand felt burning with anger at the thought of that mess.
Ormand hadn’t been on speaking terms with Viola for two days. In the past two days, he wanted to yield several times.
However, Jerry was like a thorn in Ormand’s heart. Without Viola’s promise, that thorn would never disappear!
Viola dodged Ormand’s gaze. “Why did you bring this mess up again? It is over, isn’t it?”
Chapter 318 Onn, Please Be Gentle
Der Barwa o “No, unless you promise me that you will never agree to Jerry’s last two conditions!”
Viola fell silent.
Ormand gripped Viola’s slender shoulders and said in a serious tone, “Viola, apart from Jerry, you can marry whoever you want if I can’t survive this winter!”
“Okay. I promise you.” Viola frowned slightly and chose to compromise. She lowered her head and looked at her shoulders. “Let go. It hurts!”
Ormand immediately loosened his grip and rubbed Viola’s shoulders with a gentle light in his eyes.
Viola smiled triumphantly.
You can’t hide your concern about me at all. How can you beat me? Viola thought.
Viola suppressed her smile and said, “Enough. Don’t you want to get even with me today? How?”
Ormand stopped rubbing Viola’s shoulders and became grim again.
“You colluded with Todd to set me up. As a result, I spent the whole night in remorse and repentance. To make things worse, you misled Todd to lock me on the bed. Do you admit your
Chapter 312 Orin, Please Be Gentle
Viola smiled casually. “However, I will do that again if there is a chance!”
Viola managed to infuriate Ormand. “It seems you love to make a fool of me! Well, I will teach you a lesson today!”
“Do you want to lock me with handcuffs?”
Viola sounded innocent as she stretched her slender and fair wrists to Ormand. “That pair of handcuffs are made of metal, and it’s a bit heavy. Orin, please be gentle.”
Ormand looked at those slender wrists which were so thin that it seemed Ormand could break them with one hand.
The handcuffs last night were heavy… Ormand thought.
Realizing that he was softened, Ormand instantly braced himself and said in a stern tone, “I won’t sympathize with you this time!”
Viola smiled and said nothing.
Ormand became ill at ease because of the stare from Viola, so his face darkened. “I forgot to bring the handcuffs here. I will
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trwa o lock you next time. However, you slapped me on the palms many times, I will get even with you now! Give me your hands!”
Viola spread out her hands and stared at Ormand with a smile. “Do you want a ruler? It’s in the drawer!”
This tease displeased Ormand. “I am the boss here! I don’t need that!”
Ormand moved his hands to his waist and pretended to unbuckle his belt.
“Orin, do you want to whip me?”
Viola held her palms and reminded Ormand coldly, “Think twice. There’s a good saying that you reap what you sow! You should hope that I will never find out your mistakes!”
Ormand paused.
Viola noticed Ormand’s reaction. With a mischievous light in her eyes, Viola smiled defiantly. ‘I’m vengeful. My retaliation will be brutal when I am in a bad mood. Orin, please get yourself prepared!”
Ormand did not change his expression, but his hands that were on the metal buckle did not move.
He became hesitant and thought, what should I do? Buckle my
Chapter 318 Orin, Please Be Gentle
Ormand looked at the provocative Viola and felt indignant because Viola knew how to tame him.
“I’m tired from holding my palms. Orin, don’t just stand there. Move fast!”
“You urged me! Who is the wrongdoer, you or me? You should learn from me. How sincere I am when I admit my mistakes!” Ormand ground his molar and gnashed his teeth.
Viola frowned and glared at Ormand. “I’m sincere. Don’t waste my time. Hurry up!”
Ormand was pushed to punish Viola.
However, his hands didn’t dare to move because of the threat Viola had just made.
Viola was arrogant. Ormand felt embarrassed and didn’t know what to do.
Right then, there was a knock on the door. It was Tyler outside the room.
“Ms. McGraw, there just came an urgent package. I brought it here. Do you want to check it now?”
Ormand took the opportunity to buckle his belt and looked at Viola with confusion. “An urgent package? What did you buy?”
Chapter 318 Onn, Please Be Gentle
Viola blushed.
She had bought only one thing in the past two days!
Viola had planned to make peace with Ormand with the content of that package. However, she forgot to check the delivery time.
How coincidental! Bad timing! Viola thought.
“Well… Tyler, take it to my room next door. I will check it later!”
“Wait a minute.”
Ormand noticed that Viola blushed and that her ears were red too. Why? Ormand wondered.
Confused, Ormand opened the door and took the exquisite square box from Tyler.
“Don’t open it!”
Chapter 311 Onn Please Be Gentle


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