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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 338

Chapter 338 Why Is Ormand Blind?

Viola didn’t pay much attention to it and quickly lay down on the bed.

In a few minutes, she fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, half afternoon in the United States.

After a few days of targeted medication, Bentley opened the curtains of the master bedroom and turned to ask Ormand, who was sitting by the bed.

“How do you feel? Can you see the objects vaguely?”

Ormand turned his deep eyes and explored the darkness aimlessly, shaking his head.

Russell, who was standing to the side, didn’t like the answer. “Try again. Do you really not see even a little light?”

Ormand shook his head again. He lowered his long eyelashes and gave up.

“Bentley, what should we do now? Will an operation help?”

“His condition is different from normal blindness,” Bentley said with a serious expression.

He pondered for a moment and continued, “Let’s go to the lab again and do a complete test on him. I can decide the treatment method after knowing the spreading situation of the virus.”

“The lab?” Russell also became serious.

He walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the gate outside the garden. “Bobby just left Salt Lake City yesterday to do something. It will take two days before he can come back. Right now, there are people outside watching Ormand. Isn’t it too risky for us to go out?”

Bentley fell silent.

The room fell into a solemn silence.

In the end, it was Ormand who made the decision. “Let’s go. Even if I continue to hide in the house, they will find an opportunity to find out the truth. In that case, it is better for us to cure my eyes early and take the initiative.”

Somehow, Ormand kept feeling flustered recently. It felt like something big was about to happen to Viola.

Ormand hadn’t seen Viola for almost a week, and he missed her so much that he was about to go crazy.

Ormand wanted to quickly cure his eyes, restore his vision, and go to Portugal to see Viola.

Since Ormand decided, Russell could only agree. Russell said,

Then we should wait until night to go out. We won’t attract much attention. People can see us easily during the day.”

It was mainly because it would take about six minutes to walk to the garage at the gate of the Hobson’s house from Viorin. They had to pass through the winding alley. Gregory had sent people to keep an eye on them.

Ormand could not see. It was such a long walk. Ormand was much slower than a normal person.

In the winter, the sky was always dark early.

By seven in the evening, the sky was already dark.

The snowflakes drifted leisurely, and not long after, the roof of the Hobson’s house was dyed white.

In the bedroom, Russell threw the mink coat at Ormand, disguising him.

Russell and Bentley went out alone with Ormand from the back door of the villa so that they wouldn’t attract much attention from people outside.

However, before they entered the garage, Gregory got the news.

“Are you sure they didn’t see it wrong? Was it really Ormand?” Gregory stood up suddenly.

The bodyguard was respectful. “Just now, three people went out from the back door of Mr. Hobson’s villa. Two of the men must be Mr. Bentley and Mr. Russell of the McGraw family. One man was supported by Mr. Russell. He wore a mask and a pair of sunglasses. They walked very fast, but the man looked like Mr. Hobson.”

“Whatever, a man who was brought out by Bentley and Russell personally must be Ormand.”

Gregory was overjoyed. “Contact Ronian and tell him that Ormand has gone out. Ronian’s people should keep an eye from now on.”

More than ten minutes later, Bentley was driving the car and rushed to the laboratory at the fastest speed, facing the wind and snow.


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